IBS Screamer Awards

As most of you know, PS Magazine used to award screamer patches to shooters who shot small groups in IBS and NBRSA matches and submitted a request. When we lost PS Magazine, of course we lost the screamer patch program as well.

The IBS has started a screamer program for our shooters and it is ready to be put into action. It is going to be retroactive for the 2013 season. You can click here http://internationalbenchrest.com/join/screamertext.php and get the info.

----------------Jeff Walker
A patch would cost about $2 if you bought 100 and cheaper if you bought more.
so the sticker probably is 50 cents. your really saveing money.
with the dues at $45 without a magazine i'm sure IBS could afford a Patch for the guys.

You might want a patch, but nowadays a lot of guys like stickers to put on your shooting box. I, for one, do that...I have a ziplock bag of patches...somewhere. This decision was NOT a matter of money!!

Jeff Walker - THANK YOU for all the time that you put into this effort.

Why Not Both,? There were offers to pay for the patch 3 or 4 IBS Member offered to pay for them .
That would be the best of both worlds Cost IBS Nothing extra. They can be glued on a box also.

A Sticker is a Sticker is a Sticker.


I am willing to work on a patch but the IBS has to authorize the PATCH!!!!



PS, Jeff I would like to say thanks for you efforts but a Patch is a Patch and a sticker is a sticker.
I'm for the Sticker....
Reason being, bet we will see more stickers out in the public then we ever would patches. More recognition !.!.!

And again Thanks to the IBS for the initiative to bring the program back to the IBS.
Donovan Moran

A Sticker is a Sticker is a Sticker.


I am willing to work on a patch but the IBS has to authorize the PATCH!!!!



PS, Jeff I would like to say thanks for you efforts but a Patch is a Patch and a sticker is a sticker.

Well Russell, normally I would just ignore something like this, but seeing how you are sort of calling me out on this publicly I'll do the same.

Read my post...I NEVER said we were doing a patch. PS Magazine did a patch. The reason we did a sticker is because the shooters we talked to liked the idea of a sticker better.

Now let's remember how this all came about. What exactly do you mean you are willing to work on a patch ? The way I remember this is YOU had agreed to handle getting the patches ( yes patches not stickers ) designed/made and I agreed to handle the applications and distribution. After a long time of not hearing from you, you backed out when asked about the progress. If you felt so strongly about getting a patch instead of something else, you absolutely had your chance to insure things would go your way instead of putting everyone else in a rush to get something done after losing so much time waiting on you.

PS Russell...aw never mind.
You know i would like to thank Jeff for all his work getting something done that nobody wanted to take time to do. This day in age people seem to like stickers it's easy,to put a patch on what? is hard. I for one think it was the right decision and it is simple to put them on a box or what ever. I think it's out of place to rip someone for doing something he doesn't get paid for and on his own time. James O'Hara
To All,

I am sorry if I offended anyone in regards to this matter, but that was not my intensions at all.

There were a few of us that were willing to purchase these patches and it was brought up to speak to the young lady at the Super Shoot last year that does the embroidering on hats, shirts, patches etc. and this was never handled. After that this is were the interest was lost.

I felt this would have been the appropriate person to talk to as they are at a few shoots every year like keeping the business with in.

I forwarded an idea that maybe we can take a collection every year for either or both the patches and stickers and any of the funds that is left over each year be donated to a Fight Against Cancer Foundation and the posted wherever or everywhere of our contributions.

Sorry if we offended anyone and please except may apology's.

Russell Rains
Sticker was picked to be something new.

There was a good deal of discussion amongst the Executive Board about the patch or the sticker. The choice had nothing (or at least very little) to do with price. The sticker was felt to be a nice change from the cloth patch, most patches end up in a plastic bag in your desk or a cigar box sitting on a shelf. I would guess well under 5% are ever sewn to a jacket or other piece of clothing. I have seen quite a few used as stickers taped to the inside of a toolbox. We just see it as breathing a breath of fresh air into an old program.
The other big thing that has not been mentioned much in this thread is we (the EBoard) have taken it across the board and put it in effect in all 4 Disciplines of IBS shooting. Score , 1000yd, 600yd as well as Group which was the only group covered by the old program. Actually I think the old program did cover groups in Long Range for last year or so, but never covered Score shooting in any way.
Dick Grosbier
Why not have both, patches or stickers, depending on the person who shot the screamer or screamers. If a sticker is 50 cents and a patch is $2 bucks whats the big deal, thats about the cost of about 5 or six bullets on my sider target. I don't mind paying for ether