IBS Grp Nats Day 4 - Jeff Gaidos wins Light Varmint 200 and Light Varmint Grand

Steve Lee

Active member
Jeff did a great job in VERY switchy conditions. Good job!

Results are attached.



  • IBS Group Nationals 2016 - LV 200 and LV Grand.xls
    41.5 KB · Views: 235
  • IBS Group Nationals 2016 - LV 200 and LV Grand.pdf
    220.8 KB · Views: 484
I believe that gives Mr. Gaidos his last three points....

Unless Jeff gets DQ'd for some unforeseen reason (hopefully not), that gets him his ten required points for the U.S. Benchrest Hall of Fame.

Great job Jeff.
Congratulations Jeff!

I believe Jeff was one of those five people that signed up for the "free rifle" deal at the Super Shoot some years back. Ironically, Billy Stevens chambered the barrel on that rifle.
Congratulations Jeff,

You have worked long and hard to get the success that you have demonstrated. The long practice sessions on Saturdays has paid off.