IBS Group Shooter of the Year, Russell Rains


Congratulations go out to Russell for some fine shooting this year across the IBS group gridiron,where tough range conditions and challenging terrain quickly weed out the fainthearted and frail shooters in our ranks.
Russell unseated 6 time consecutive IBS group shooter of the year Harley Baker for the top spot.That is quite an accomplishment.Next year everybody will be chasing the "Rain Man".
Good Shooting, Mr.Rains
Great accomplishment:

:)Don't know how he finds time for himself,he is always busy helping others.great shooting Russ
Congratulations go out to Russell for some fine shooting this year across the IBS group gridiron,where tough range conditions and challenging terrain quickly weed out the fainthearted and frail shooters in our ranks.
Russell unseated 6 time consecutive IBS group shooter of the year Harley Baker for the top spot.That is quite an accomplishment.Next year everybody will be chasing the "Rain Man".
Good Shooting, Mr.Rains
Hi Russ,

Congratulations! You were dialed in at all the matches I saw you compete! It seemed like you had all your guns working and you didn't do too shabby at the Nationals last week!

Even though I was on the next bench, I did like having your flags in my line of sight last week!

I am sure you will be right there again next season!

Again, congrats on having a fantastic year!

Bill McIntyre
IBS group shooter of the year

Congrads Russell you worked hard for it. Best of luck in your future shooting.
IBS group shooter of the year

Great Shooting Russell. I know you worked hard and shoot very well and consistant. Keep up the great shooting. Hope to see you up at Camillus a couple of times for winter league.

Hal Drake for IBS President.

Bob H.
This is great news. It's always nice to see good guys like Russell and Harley on top.

Matt Guthrie
Thanks to All

Let me say Thanks for all the Congrats.

Let me also say that it takes attending all the shoots that are available and for some this is just a hard thing to do. I am thankful that I am able to do so and hopefully will be able to continue to do so.

I have always enjoyed shooting all my life, no matter what it is bow, rifle, shotgun, pistol and even BB Guns.

The problem with short range Benchrest, is once you have been bitten by the 6PPC BUG, it is hard to just walk away. It gets into your blood and it sucks you in, to make you an even better shooter. At least I know it does for me. I have always been there for a new shooter, and some of the fellow competitors have called me a rookie magnet, as I have always gone out of my way to try and help them succeed in this sport.

97 1/2% of the people in this sport are just plain Awesome! You will not find a better group of people to hang around with, for all weekend or even all week. 3% are just like bumps on a log that are just there to compete and kick all our asses, which there is nothing wrong with, as long as when the day is over they come back to reality. The other 1/2%, well they know who they are, don't you.

Again, thanks for all of your kind words & support. It means a lot to me.
harley wont take this lying down!

Congratulations Russell. Lot of hard work and lot of miles traveled. You certainly deserve it.