IBS Benchrest Surveys (LONG)

Hi i did both surveys, Its not about winning its about shooting, And thanks to benchrest there are a lot of very good shooting factory varmit rifles. i know guys who shoot groups all the time with a savage,cooper, remington,some with custom barrels and they shoot groups in the .100 to .200 all the time,No they wont make weight and they probably wont win in benchrest againest a 6ppc sporter with a 55x march scope, i mean they may have a 20x on it or a 9-36x big scope on it or something like that but they shoot very well.They shoot as well as they do because of benchrest gruop shooting. And if there was a class that a fellow could show up with a super accurate varmit custom that could shoot group with , I think alot of guys would show up to shoot, That means more shooters,more ranges(more local shoots)more guys may want to get into it and go all out but alot of guys may just want to show up with a rem 700,.223AI with a 8-32 burris on it and pound groups in the .100 all day long and never want a LV or sporter rifle because that what makes him happy,the modern bench rest rifle has evolved beyond any use other than a high performance tune at the range gun with with one perpose to shoot every shot into the same hole and that is great(i love it) but i think alot more guy would shoot if we could shoot a accuate varmit rifle. and there should be no( restriction) other than it cant be a sporter. I say if you can hunt with it you can shoot it. so if i had a 6br on a custom action,custom barrel,custom stock,big heavy hunting scope and its a live varmit rifle i can shoot groups with it, and my last agg at 100yds was a .213 so it shoots and i would like to build another one. but the rifle has more that one perpose i shoot groups at the bench and i also shoot ground hogs,coyote any any other critters that are legal.That my idea of varmit/target rifle. not just a competition bench rifle that is only good for match shooting. After all benchrest group shooting gave us guys the the accuracry level we have and we want to shoot them. Maybe some of us are happy with groups in mid .1s to mid .2's in a useable,huntable rifle and thats all we ever want.while you guys at top level keep going.Come on it could be a really fun class and i think i would shoot it.. a buddy up the road with a savage/custom barrel in 6br , i probably could talk him into shooting. more shooter,more ranges,more people understand where the accuracry came from,some may want to continue on some maybe happy where they are.

ok no muzzle brakes
nothing over 30cal
maybe nothing over 45grs powder
i mean there would need to be some rules
ok us accuracry junkies shoot groups all the time are rifles just wont make weight and do not conform to benchrest standards. not asking for you to change all the rules
just a class for varmit/customs that are not benchrst rifles they look like benchrst rifles but may have some changes that are personal that dont conform to benchrest rules.
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"in the.100's all day long." WOW! Just use your varmint rig and you may be headed for the record books. Most Varmint set-ups would meet the HV class requirements.
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no not this one, its weighted and painted with that color/change paint and the fellow who own's it is one of the most meticulous hand loaders i ever met and every rifle he has shoots like that, add a 22br and a 6br to that.( i bet it might go 16lbs.)
Guys what im trying to say is i love to shoot groups,me and several friends shoot groups all the time and we are fairly competitive between us.i normaly out shoot them but they are comming for me. one day i got home from work and i got a phone call,that said hey we got a 22-250 up here that we think can out shoot that BR.I said i dont have any thing loaded except for about 12 varmit loads.then i said i be out..so its a half hour drive and when i got there it wasent a 22-250 like he said it was a high profile smithed 243AI . so me and the BR went to work it was close i got him by a few slim thousands. now thats fun! these are the kind of guys who would shoot a varmit rifle class and it wouldent be about winning a benchrest shoot it would be official bragging rights over your buddys who you draged with you. hey someone else to score your target at a local range. and some might progress into benchrest compitition.some will not. i would shoot benchrest but only one match a year close enough to me and if i cant get off work im done and im not going to travel 5-6 hrs to a match. i have shot i the local reg/match a few years back. but the only rifle i have is a heavy varmit and its capable of agg's in the high 1's to low .2's . but i would just get beet by a 6ppc in a sporter class rifle and that upset me. plus i may get kicked off this site for saying this. i have had 3-22ppc's and 2-6ppc's sporters very well built rifles and i just could never get them to preform for me and i have tryed everything so my choice of cartridge is not what benchrest shooter say i need to win and the way i like my rifle i cant make sporter weight unless i comprise on what i want and go with what it suposto be and when i have done that it did not shoot for me,i know thats not the normal but its how it is.

Suppose a class were created that fit your rifle to the letter. How many matches a year would you commit to attending? Not just consider attending - commit. How about those other guys you mentioned?
Update - in 24 hours we have already 257 responses to the survey for benchrest shooters, and 240 on the companion survey for those not shooting benchrest. Thanks to all. If you have not taken the short survey(s) please do so. The link is at the top of the thread.

On thing I can tell you is that well over 90% of the respondents thinks we should grow our sport. More to come.

I want to thank Paul at www.6mmbr.com for his help in publicizing the surveys. He produces one of the best firearms sites on the web as a labor of love. Please visit it and if you can donate via Paypal - he does have advertising on the site, but it does not cover the costs. (BTW, he did not ask me to solicit!)


I reckon that takes the cake!
Suppose a class were created that fit your rifle to the letter. How many matches a year would you commit to attending? Not just consider attending - commit. How about those other guys you mentioned?

if the matches were local or with in a two hour drive i would do what i could to try and shoot...See whats wrong,,,i just gave you reasons why a decline in shooters,If we dont shoot the cookie cutter outfit were out..
Hi i did both surveys, Its not about winning its about shooting, And thanks to benchrest there are a lot of very good shooting factory varmit rifles. i know guys who shoot groups all the time with a savage,cooper, remington,some with custom barrels and they shoot groups in the .100 to .200 all the time,No they wont make weight and they probably wont win in benchrest againest a 6ppc sporter with a 55x march scope, i mean they may have a 20x on it or a 9-36x big scope on it or something like that but they shoot very well.They shoot as well as they do because of benchrest gruop shooting. And if there was a class that a fellow could show up with a super accurate varmit custom that could shoot group with , I think alot of guys would show up to shoot, That means more shooters,more ranges(more local shoots)more guys may want to get into it and go all out but alot of guys may just want to show up with a rem 700,.223AI with a 8-32 burris on it and pound groups in the .100 all day long and never want a LV or sporter rifle because that what makes him happy,the modern bench rest rifle has evolved beyond any use other than a high performance tune at the range gun with with one perpose to shoot every shot into the same hole and that is great(i love it) but i think alot more guy would shoot if we could shoot a accuate varmit rifle. and there should be no( restriction) other than it cant be a sporter. I say if you can hunt with it you can shoot it. so if i had a 6br on a custom action,custom barrel,custom stock,big heavy hunting scope and its a live varmit rifle i can shoot groups with it, and my last agg at 100yds was a .213 so it shoots and i would like to build another one. but the rifle has more that one perpose i shoot groups at the bench and i also shoot ground hogs,coyote any any other critters that are legal.That my idea of varmit/target rifle. not just a competition bench rifle that is only good for match shooting. After all benchrest group shooting gave us guys the the accuracry level we have and we want to shoot them. Maybe some of us are happy with groups in mid .1s to mid .2's in a useable,huntable rifle and thats all we ever want.while you guys at top level keep going.Come on it could be a really fun class and i think i would shoot it.. a buddy up the road with a savage/custom barrel in 6br , i probably could talk him into shooting. more shooter,more ranges,more people understand where the accuracry came from,some may want to continue on some maybe happy where they are.

ok no muzzle brakes
nothing over 30cal
maybe nothing over 45grs powder
i mean there would need to be some rules
ok us accuracry junkies shoot groups all the time are rifles just wont make weight and do not conform to benchrest standards. not asking for you to change all the rules
just a class for varmit/customs that are not benchrst rifles they look like benchrst rifles but may have some changes that are personal that dont conform to benchrest rules.

You and your buddies need to show up at a match with your rigs, just contact the Match director ahead of time, theres no rule that says you can't shoot any scope you want ...just make weight and pretty sure what you described is under 13.5 lbs.

You see the only trick is, shooting those winning aggs ( and what you've stated are winning aggs) ON ANY GIVEN DAY. Winds 20-35, Rain so hard you can barely see the Targets, 35 degrees with fog, 104 degrees with heavy mirage etc, etc....

If you can do what you say you can, and I have no reason to doubt you, then show up with your rigs and shoot, if you do as well as you say you will, then when you show up at the next match to beat everybody, they'll most likely be shooting Varmint Stock rigs with 8-32 burris's mounted on top
Mark-x- Where are you located? We may be able to direct you to a club near you. The IBS affiliated clubs have a Factory Class for all but tournament matches. It requires one to join ($ 50 annual) and there are match fees ~ $15-20/ gun. The factory class does not keep records, and the rules vary from club to club...so you should contact the match director ahead of time.
Mark-x, with all due respect, I do not think the problem is Benchrest, I think the problem is you.

I suggest you read post #31 by Ken Hope.
Hi Mark-x,,,if you live in SW PA...you are not far from Fairchance Gun Club ...located on Rt 119 south of Uniontown aprox 10mi....ez to find and it is a world class facility ...they have held several Nationals there and in the spring the Hog Roast ...it was a world qualifyer the last cupla yrs....many of the best shooters in the world attend....and you are practically within "ear shot",,,look at the schedule and try to attend or at least visit...you will meet some very good people ....Roger
Hi Mark-x,,,if you live in SW PA...you are not far from Fairchance Gun Club ...located on Rt 119 south of Uniontown aprox 10mi....ez to find and it is a world class facility ...they have held several Nationals there and in the spring the Hog Roast ...it was a world qualifyer the last cupla yrs....many of the best shooters in the world attend....and you are practically within "ear shot",,,look at the schedule and try to attend or at least visit...you will meet some very good people ....Roger

I have shot there alot,was a member there at one time. have shot in one match there some years back.
no i do not think there is a problem with benchrest. some ideas what might get some shooters back at the ranges .
Mark-x- Where are you located? We may be able to direct you to a club near you. The IBS affiliated clubs have a Factory Class for all but tournament matches. It requires one to join ($ 50 annual) and there are match fees ~ $15-20/ gun. The factory class does not keep records, and the rules vary from club to club...so you should contact the match director ahead of time.

If i remember this rule correctly, a new shooter can shoot his very first match without being a member. It's saves a guy from buying a full year membership only to find out BR is not for him. It's an old rule that I hope hasn't been changed. That rule just makes the most sense.
