IBS 200 & 300 yard IBS Championships Day 1


Husky Hummel

LV 200
1 Jeff Peinhardt .2274
2 Husky Hummel .2401
3 Hal Drake .2430
4 Russel Raines .2693
5 Bill Goad .2768

HV 200
1 Jeff Peinhardt .1845
2 Bill Goad .2021
3 Barney Small .2175
4 Husky Hummel .2176
5 Jack Sutton .2285
I would like to say thanks to everyone that made this shoot possible over the weekend and I am really glad I did not hit any of those target frames (Ha Ha Trutt got away with another year). Also, I want to say that everyone involved with this competition, from setting things up to the hospitality shown to us all, you go way beyond any expectation of what could be handled at any given match. You guys are AWESOME!! Thanks Again. Congrats to Huskey for winning the 2 Gun you hung strong all weekend.
Just one final note on those cookies.....OMG Peanut Butter Hee Haw!!!!!


PS, Bart thanks for the $50.00 and Pat Hurley for the $25.00
HV 300
1 Curtis Nelson .2303
2 Russel Rains .2616
3 Hal Drake .2623
4 Brian Dolensky .2663
5 Husky Hummel .2747

HV Grand
1 Husky Hummel .2457
2 Barney Small .2463
3Curtis Nelson .2597
4 Tim Reed .2605
5 Russel Rains .2643

LV 300
1 Harley Baker .2417
2 Hal Drake .2429
3 Russel Rains .2443
4 Joel Nader .2470
5 Husky Hummel .2612

LV Grand
1 Hal Drake .2429
2 Husky Hummel .2506
3 Russel Rains .2568
4 Joel Nader .2688
5 Harley Baker .2776

2 Gun
1 Husky Hummel .2481
2 Hal Drake .2572
3 Russel Rains .2605
4 Barney Small .2651
5 Bill Goad .2730

I am posting this NOT cause I won, but since I was at the shoot and complain about posting results. Thanks to the Weikert crew for holding the match and it was the awesome cookies that got me this win!!!! Thnks to all the shooters as well as the whole crew at Weikert. I love that range. Mark, u are the best my man.
Congratulations Husky! It seems like we always end up shooting next to each other and it's always fun. It was good to see you come in first instead of another second place. Also congats on earning the precision riflemen points you needed.

Thanks to Dale, Mark, Linda, and everyone at Union County Benchrest. You guys always put on a great match.
Congrats on the win Husky.
Would also thank Mark Trutt, the Boops and all of the staff for one very well run match. Ma Trutts cookies and cake to die for. Had a great time at Union County.
Mike Mastrogiovanni
Thanks to all at the range for making it happen. Had a great time, food great. Thanks again Mark, Dale and gang
Congratulations Husky and all the other winners! Sorry I could not be there this past weekend. Mark, Dale and the troops always put on a great match in a fine facility.

Congratulations Husky,
I shot between Jeff Peinhardt( who dominated the 200yd stage of the competition) and Curtis "dust storm" Nelson( who bombarded the Weikirt 300 yd berm with that "killer" thirty of his).What a treat to see these guys shoot so well. Never got to see Husky shoot but his name was all over the leader board all weekend.Hal Drake was the most depressed grand winner and 2nd place two gun winner I have ever seen,maybe he should go blue gill fishing in some farm pond and lighten up a little bit. Russell Rains was on a mission and shot well all weekend,but then he was quite relaxed as he had Al "bubby"Auman do all the sweaty field work flag setting while he sat behind the rifle and sipped ice cold lemonade in the shade.Barney shot well as usual,while Bill Goad, Harley and myself were busy making deals with "El Diablo", both in 65 and 69.7gr weight range.
Dale Boop gave up shooting to work Target crew,whatta guy ! and Mark Trutt gives up everything all the time to make these Union County shoots happen.You know you're in the shadow of great people when you feel small.
Agreed 100% Wayne. I keep waiting for the book of Nader to hit the stores. I will be the 1st in line to get one and he damm well better sign it for me....