IBS 1000 YD HG muzzle brakes

Thank you for instructing me on how to shoot better.

If you people who want to crow will stop, maybe those of us who want to complain will stop. It is a done deal. Both IBS and NBRSA have certain goals, as do people within the organizations. That's just life.

But it is also a certainty that if you rub the noses of people in something they find smelly, they're more apt to fight you. Is that where you want to go?

You are most welcome. I am glad I could help. Hope you shoot better.


PS. If you think things smell bad, you should think about bringing some nose plugs along with your hearing protectors. It might help you shoot better also.

Again, hope this helps.
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Having seen this happen elsewhere and been through it, I think you'll find very few HG's with brakes (if none at all) and those that try it will most likely un-do it just as soon as they see their hg doesn't shoot as well as it used to. There's not enough LG's shooting in Heavy to bother with so that's not a big issue. All things considered, it's just sad that the sport has to change to fit a minority. Especially when that minority will diminish more yet when they see they got what they asked for.

The worst thing on a rule like this is when you get to a big match and some joker shows up with a great big cannon with a brake that makes a hell of a lot of noise, shoots bigger'n a house and does nothing but annoy everyone else on the range. All done to get attention.

If this happens at the ranges where the firing line is separate, it's not a big deal. If it happens at the ranges where the firing line is under the same roof as the cleaning area, that's where it's a nightmare. You then have the entire day with no peace from the noise. That gets fatiguing after a while. Btdt. At this point, shooting is significantly less fun for all. Tod says above about concentrating more on your shooting, but it's not when you're shooting this is an issue. It's when you're a bystander.
Charles E
I actually wasn't pouring gas on this one just wonderng if there was another reason besides the noise? I was at a local range and the biggest source of noise seemed like it was coming from the metal roof over the benches.
I do know some local competitors that it bothers to no end and some who don't even know you have one on your rifle.
I am saving the gas for the next post on why we don't have more new shooters in the NBRSA.
Somewhere in here I read "thanks to the powers that be". Well, the "powers that be" are the IBS members that bothered to show up at the IBS Winter Meeting and voted on the agenda items. It never ceases to amaze me that people can have such a strong opinion on a rule change, but just sit back and let others vote.

Anyway, one of the beauties of how IBS is structured is that when an agenda item is passed at the winter meeting, it is only in for that year as a trial rule, so to speak. The entire membership gets a chance to vote, to make it permanent or get rid of it, by mail before the next winter meeting.

We were both replying to this thread at the same time but I think your correct it is the roofs above the shooters holding in the noise.The metal roofs seem to act like amplifiers of the sound.
Out here most of the heavyguns are also lightguns but we still don't have that many muzzlebrakes on the line.
Sorry Charles but I'm with Tod and Lynn on this one. What part of the gun going bang don't you understand; if I wanted quiet I'd play golf. I think you're worried more about the muzzle blast than the bang. Try a good set of head phones or plugs along with them. For me I wouldn't waste my time with a muzzle brake, they only cost more money and have to be cleaned. Did Matt Kline use one on his heavy gun? NO! It's more for the light guns to be able to use them in heavy gun class, but shoot what you like and know we are all on the same playing field now.
Joe Salt
Jeff Walker - thanks for the reminder that rule changes COME FROM THE COMPETITORS. The short-range guys (like me) don't dictate ANY rules in 600-1000 (or short-range for that matter). Last year a petition was generated by a shooter who got at least 25 signatures on it at various matches. The proposed rule was then vetted by the Long Range Committee (Stanley Taylor, Jeff Walker, Dave Tooley, Bob Rosen, Joe Thielen and Samuel Hall). These fellows are no strangers to the discipline. The committee recommended approval to the EBoard. We accepted their recommendation to approve as well. ONLY the long range shooters at yesterday's meeting voted on this issue. The short range shooters keep their hands down on competition issues related to a discipline that they do not shoot. Further, this rule will then be part of an official written ballot of all members to see if it stays as a permanent rule. Although, in theory, any IBS member can vote in that mail-in ballot, most do not vote on issues they know nothing about.

Those are the facts.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
I would like to thank Herman Harke for authoring this rule change. When I suggested a less broad alternative Herman pointed out that this change would have broader support and he was right. I collected signatures for both and submitted them to the LR committee. I would like to thank the LR Committee and Jeff Stover for their support. It is really great to be a part of an organization that tries to listen to its members and evolve.

Now if we can get rid to the DQ rule with something a little more "shooter friendly". We had several cases last year in Colorado's prairie winds where no one in the relay or shoot off had all of the shots on the paper. Officially no one won, that didn't make anyone happy. We need a better method.
As far as the DQ rule, it needs to stay like it is. The 600yd agenda that got shot down covering the DQ rule was a joke. Lets say that they allow 4 shots on and they are going to score it. I got 4 in the 10 ring and you have 5 in the 7 ring. I just beat you with 4 shots for score. But if they want to change the rule, than i would be willing to go with all shots must be within the score rings of the target for score and group. If you are going to change the rule, make sure they take out the word Percision. this is almost becoming like a guy fishing in a pay pond rather than a river. There is wind on every range, some severe than others, try to figure it out. Next thing they will want to change is the target size, from the current target to a F-class target. Why don't we try this, let all the rules stand for 3 years and then revisit them to see if there's anything that needs changed.
If shooter 1 puts 4 shots in the 10 ring and one off paper and shooter 2 puts 5 shots in the 5 ring shooter 1 did beat you.
Your argument is 4 heart shots are worse than 5 shots into a hoof.
In Jeff's summary of the survey results he indicates that we should take a look at the DQ rule for LR. I'm not sure what the right answer is but he is right that the LR Committee should come up with some recommendation and then solicit member input. The one thing I'm sure about is the shooters that are disqualified don't feel good and that doesn't help the sport. How we fix that requires some serious thought.
right, and why don't we make it a requirement that in USA elections all voters show up in washington dc to vote for congress/senate and the pres( yes i know we don't "vote" for him).
while i belong to the ibs it think it assine that one most GO TO THE MEETING to be heard....it is quite impracticqll to go east from denver to participate.
there were two initative put before the members at large, but other stuff decided without all member input....
its no wonder the benchrest community cannot get its act together with such narrow minded processes.
i enjoy precision shooting in several venues...benchrest (lack) of managment makes it hard to compete.
classic example look at the nationals in sacra ca...........yes i know the other org
ok back to shooting stuff....

mike in co
Somewhere in here I read "thanks to the powers that be". Well, the "powers that be" are the IBS members that bothered to show up at the IBS Winter Meeting and voted on the agenda items. It never ceases to amaze me that people can have such a strong opinion on a rule change, but just sit back and let others vote.

Anyway, one of the beauties of how IBS is structured is that when an agenda item is passed at the winter meeting, it is only in for that year as a trial rule, so to speak. The entire membership gets a chance to vote, to make it permanent or get rid of it, by mail before the next winter meeting.

Mike, you don't have to come to the meeting. Just make your opinion known to any member of the respective discipline committee. All the contact info is on the IBS webs tie.

Also, a clarification on the the DQ rule. My comment was only to relate several comments made in the benchrest survey, not that I was encouraging it. There are arguments on both sides of the long range DQ issue.

Mike, you don't have to come to the meeting. Just make your opinion known to any member of the respective discipline committee

However, unless I have missed something recent, it will remain only an opinion. To have your opinion count, you have to go to the annual meeting. Or, send a proxy with someone going. But wait: anyone going can only carry one proxy.

You can argue this seven ways from Sunday.

It is good that the most active shooters, who'll give up anything to go to the meeting, have the say.

But it is also good that change not happen too fast, that the older, long-time shooters have more say. Every year, people come and people leave. Continuity is a plus.

"We need to attract new shooters." Depends on what we have to give up to get them. "Remember the Maine!" No, that should be "Remember NASCAR!"

Well, that's three ways. I'm sure another four or more will pop up soon.
I personally like the rule change! I was getting tired of lugging that heavy gun around so I sold it. I still shoot both classes in 600 yard competition and this was a welcome change. Its a little bit easier to spot my shots on the clays with the brake.
Rich De
I remember sometime back there was discussion on this forum from some clubs wanting to shoot IBS providing we change a few things such as DQ rules i have been blown of target as well as the next guy the name of the game is 5on or 10 on if you dont manage to achieve that back up an punt end of discussion.
IBS shooters, why don't we shoot just one class. No weight limits. If you want to use a brake use it. If not, then don't. Lets also change the rules to state that if you only get one bullet on paper that you get a score so that you don't go home with your panties in a wad. Last lets have a rule that says that you have to shoot the max number of shooters per relay that your range will accommodate to reduce the number of relay winners in the shootoffs. We don't want too much competition. Wow, I think this is already in use in some parts of the IBS empire.
Go Foghorn. You know.

I believe that we do get a score with less than allowed shots on paper. It's a zeroooooooooooo. Been there more than most I guess over the last 13 years. Tough feces.

I have a 338 heavy gun and I wouldn't want to be sitting beside me at the line if it had a break. It would certainly be less like wrestling a snake with a brake, but then again that's part of what I love about it. If the rule change lasts after this year I guess we'll all have to live with it. I for one plan on shooting until I can't.

I for one don't think April will get here soon enough. Regards to all with an opinion. Waverly

P.S Crew at Piedmont, I had a great time, and may try again in March before 1k at Butner starts.
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If shooter 1 puts 4 shots in the 10 ring and one off paper and shooter 2 puts 5 shots in the 5 ring shooter 1 did beat you.
Your argument is 4 heart shots are worse than 5 shots into a hoof.

We aren't hunting here, we're shooting Benchrest. If you can't get all your shots on paper, well....you don't deserve to win anything. IMHO
I understand your point but I still think a 40 is better than a 25.On the group I say DQ the shooter but on the score just count the good shots like they do in basketball.