I waited untill now to mention this, But at 3:AM Sunday Morning, I Had A Heart Attack

I have been on Warfarin (14 1/2) and Cholesterol for the last 16 years, and it will hurt you, when? I do not know, I am 80 years old and I am still waiting. Anyway, get better, and live a long happy life.
Good to hear that you got thru unscathed for the most part with the heart issues. Be very aware of any new meds as they can really give you a fit with side effects especially statins, they can really beat you up so pay close attention to any new symptoms. Good luck and may you enjoy a long and healthy life.
Scary as 'brown stuff' isn't it?

Many years ago I worked as a Paramedic. Early 1980s.

Heart attacks were a very common call. Some calls went better than others.
My very first DOA (as in our arrival at the home) was my then girlfriends father very early one morning.
Before we had TPA (AKA 'cot buster'), cholesterol lowering drugs, stents, bypasses, and on and on.

Glad it was so minor.

Listen to the docs and take the meds.'
It sometimes takes a couple tries to find a cholesterol lowering drug that works without unpleasant side effects.
Keep at it.

It still beats the alternative.
and typically leads to a quick death...
retirement funds love people that do not plan ahead.
stay active..find something to do.

I had a neighbor say "Margaret and I are retired now. We just sit around and look at each other all day."
Best wishes

Take it easy and be careful. Hope you take care of yourself.
Lots of good advice been given here.
Always look forward to your testing results, etc.

Wow, we just set here not thinking things like this cannot happen to us...until it does. Great to hear that it turned out to be a minor one. You sure didn't think that while it was happening though, did you. Jackie...you have to stick around. The shooting scene would not be the same without you. I'm 80 and as my sister told me, old age is not for sissy's.

All the best,

All the best to you, Jackie.

In 2012, I had low back surgery. Three weeks later, I was doing my morning two mile walk and my left shoulder felt weird. Went back home and took two 325 mg aspirins just to prove to myself it wasn't cardiac related. Took a shower, got dressed and drove to the hospital where I work. By the time I got there, I was feeling fine. Long story short...the L.A.D. (left anterior descending) artery had a blot clot in it. It was too tortuous to stent, so the next day the thoracic surgeon did a L.I.M.A. (left internal mammary artery) graft. Yep, I'm a member of the 'zipper' club.

8 weeks later, Randy Robinett, 'Humble' Henry Rivers and myself were whacking prairie dogs in Wyoming. :cool:

Like Warren Zevon said: "Enjoy every sandwich." :D
All the best to you, Jackie.

In 2012, I had low back surgery. Three weeks later, I was doing my morning two mile walk and my left shoulder felt weird. Went back home and took two 325 mg aspirins just to prove to myself it wasn't cardiac related. Took a shower, got dressed and drove to the hospital where I work. By the time I got there, I was feeling fine. Long story short...the L.A.D. (left anterior descending) artery had a blot clot in it. It was too tortuous to stent, so the next day the thoracic surgeon did a L.I.M.A. (left internal mammary artery) graft. Yep, I'm a member of the 'zipper' club.

8 weeks later, Randy Robinett, 'Humble' Henry Rivers and myself were whacking prairie dogs in Wyoming. :cool:

Like Warren Zevon said: "Enjoy every sandwich." :D

That's exactly what you have to do. While waiting for a smog check this morning and drinking coffee at a near by restaurant, I saw a sign that said " Eat the bacon, life is to short"


Gentlemen, My two cents worth, I know about heart disease in that my wife has been living with it for 17 years which included a Heart attack, Cardiac arrest. Knowing this, I am 87, I asked my wife's cardiologist to set me up as one of his patients in the event I should ever need his service.He in turn, put me through a series of 4 tests that are given to heart patients followed by checkups every 4 to 6 months. So far everything is okay. My suggestion is that anyone who has the opportunity to set this up for themselves might be ahead of a catastrophe.

Jackie, a speedy recovery my friend.
Jackie - you came out pretty good on this one. However, get a second opinion if there's any concern about the first. Sounds like you felt pretty bad for it to just go away.

Don't know if he was just being facetious or not.

I think - Not...
Jackie hope you are feeling better very soon.

It may be time to consider trading in machining holes in marine parts to only machining holes in paper. Wait! that may very well be more stressful than the marine stuff.

Dont rush things, get well ( and let some of us win a match or two ).

Jackie - you came out pretty good on this one. However, get a second opinion if there's any concern about the first. Sounds like you felt pretty bad for it to just go away.

Wilbur, I m back at my Shop today, and I feel fine.

The Cardiologist that performed all of the work on me seems to be top notch, and Saint Joseph Hospitol in Houston is quite good.

All I can do is trust their expertise in this matter.

One of the main concerns is getting my blood pressure under control. It has always been somewhat high, usually 140/85, or there about. I have always been wary of any blood pressure medicines because of my kidneys. The have prescribed a Beta Blocker to see how it works. I will go to a local clinic once a week to let them take blood to get a Creatine number to make sure my kidneys are not being compromised.

I used to pride myself in not having to take a bunch of pills every day to keep going. I don't eat fried foods, and do not drink any kind of sodas. I exercise and watch my weight. I do 60 push-ups every night before I go to bed. By all accounts, I am in great shape for someone my age.

I guess my coronary arteries didn't get the memo.
I don't eat fried foods, and do not drink any kind of sodas. I exercise and watch my weight. I do 60 push-ups every night before I go to bed.

I'm impressed, and tell those coronary arteries that you need to make a trip to River Bend to shoot with us in Nov.
Just went through a similar thing

Fortunately, I didn't have a heart attack but they think now it was a viral infection.
Sucks gettin old but our still being here to tell our stories beats the alternative!

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Hey Champ

Wilbur, I m back at my Shop today, and I feel fine.

The Cardiologist that performed all of the work on me seems to be top notch, and Saint Joseph Hospitol in Houston is quite good.

All I can do is trust their expertise in this matter.

One of the main concerns is getting my blood pressure under control. It has always been somewhat high, usually 140/85, or there about. I have always been wary of any blood pressure medicines because of my kidneys. The have prescribed a Beta Blocker to see how it works. I will go to a local clinic once a week to let them take blood to get a Creatine number to make sure my kidneys are not being compromised.

I used to pride myself in not having to take a bunch of pills every day to keep going. I don't eat fried foods, and do not drink any kind of sodas. I exercise and watch my weight. I do 60 push-ups every night before I go to bed. By all accounts, I am in great shape for someone my age.

I guess my coronary arteries didn't get the memo.

I'm really glad you're doing OK!!! :eek: