I sent this letter to my Congressman today. We all should sent One.



I am writing you today asking that you stand against Dian Feinstein’s anti gun legislation. This is something she has wanted to do for a very long time. She is using this time hoping to get a Knee jerk reaction. I, like everyone that’s not mentally deranged and full of hatred, was upset and saddened by the Sandy Hook shooting, I also realize that this is not the first of these types of shooting’s, and they have all been heartbreaking. One has to ask what kind of a person would do something like this, the background of these shooters must be looked into and studied to try and find the root of this problem. We cannot let the anti gunners use the tragedy of these terrible shootings to springboard their agenda! One only has to look at Chicago, the most gun restrictive city in the USA, has had over 500 murdered this year.

About 30 year ago, at a time when too many innocent men women and children were being killed on our highways by drunk drivers. People had enough and made some noise, a look at this problem revealed that the problem was the drunk driver, not the Automobile. Stiffer penalties and better education was enacted, and a lot of lives have been saves. It was decided that the drunk driver and not the automobile was at fault. Here until we look at the shooter and the gun and realize that the shooter is at fault and not the gun these shooting will continue. We have got to look into the back ground of operator of the guns of these mass slaying that only then will we be able to understand and to start to stop this trend.
Well thanks for doing that.

Most people any more would rather B**** to each other.

Its still, for the time being, We The People!
Sorry Jerry, but some where between 1960 and 1966 it became "We the Government", the rest of us were relegated to just being serfs.
Sorry Jerry, but some where between 1960 and 1966 it became "We the Government", the rest of us were relegated to just being serfs.

That late 1960's period is "officially" called the "Cultural Revolution", and we DID let it happen.

We WILL be surfs if we don't get our act together and take back over.

The first thing "you" need to find out, for yourself, so you will believe it, is who/why/what "they" want our guns for and it sure ain't "for the children"!
No matter how many letters are sent, even the one by TED NUGENT,whick I think is right to the point and everything Ted says is from the HEART! There still going to pass what they think the minority wants. And thats a Magazine restriction!

Joe Salt
What letter should I send to Schumer and Gilebrand.?...no chance here at all...

Whatever you send, if they get enough mail purporting the same thing they will start to listen!!

Chuck Schumer has always been badly anti gun.
Find someone to run against him, then rub mud on all the tombstones in the district so they can't get the names of the dead registered.
Whatever you send, if they get enough mail purporting the same thing they will start to listen!!


I've wasted a lot of paper sending stuff to Iowa Senator Tom Harkin...........he'll vote against me every time..................
