I need a piece of brass



Im doing a build with a Vanguard 2 in .308. Puting a Shilen SS barrel in 6mm AI. I need an empty case to make a dummy round up to send with the rifle for the throat specs and OAL I want. Anyone able to supply me with one?
Im doing a build with a Vanguard 2 in .308. Puting a Shilen SS barrel in 6mm AI. I need an empty case to make a dummy round up to send with the rifle for the throat specs and OAL I want. Anyone able to supply me with one?

First, I am NOT a gunsmith.

Second, Is it just me, or, can you explain to us how a 30 cal. bullet will go down a 6mm barrel?

Third, if I am way off base just ignore this post...
Im doing a build with a Vanguard 2 in .308. Puting a Shilen SS barrel in 6mm AI. I need an empty case to make a dummy round up to send with the rifle for the throat specs and OAL I want. Anyone able to supply me with one?

I am pretty sure he means a .308 bolt face !
Pretty sure he has a gun thats currently a 308 hes gonna rebarrel to a 6mm when the barrel thats on order comes in
Im doing a build with a Vanguard 2 in .308. Puting a Shilen SS barrel in 6mm AI. I need an empty case to make a dummy round up to send with the rifle for the throat specs and OAL I want. Anyone able to supply me with one?

Whether your intent is to send the dummy round to a reamer grinder to measure and calculate the throat lead or if your gunsmith is going to use it to "trial fit" the throat by throating in a separate operation after reaming the chamber, you don't need a fire formed AI case. It is perfectly acceptable to just seat your bullet to the desired length in a new 6mm case and send it along.
What I need the dummy for is to seat at a depth that the mazazine will accomadate and at the same time the ogive is just touching the lands. That way I can either jam or jump the bullet and also have it easily fit the mazazine. Cant fireform one of my own until the barrel is chambered and installed and at that point will be a moot issue
I suggest you buy a supply of GOOD brass that you will be using in the finished product.

Then use the GOOD new brass as your sample.........................................

Lapua seems to be GOOD brass;-)=
A friend has done a lot of long range shooting, and has built several rifles for that. What he has discovered is that for fine accuracy it seems that the bullets can only be driven so fast, and that the regular 6mm Remington case will easily get there. He has also demonstrated that full cases give better ESs. This might be something that you should keep in mind for your project. Sometimes bigger and faster are not better, at least when it comes to top accuracy. What he has run into is that too much pressure on long bullets can cause barrels to copper foul and at that point they stop shooting until they are cleaned. He has been all about high BCs and velocities but has learned that there are practical limits if one wants to be able to shoot long strings without having to stop and clean while in the field.