I couldnt stand it any longer


New member
My previous posts from a few months ago in regards to a used benchrest rifle for sale at my local range has come home. Its a SGY rifle on a Stolle Panda and Speedy stock. Came with a 36x Leupold Suffix B (1994). The barrel has very little throat wear and no gator skin. BUT, Its not chambered with my reamer and I need to update that I think. My neck is .268 and it has a .263 now. If Im real lucky the chamber size at the base will be the same or smaller than my reamer so I can ream another .050 deeper or so and then set the shoulder back to get my headspace. ORRRR. should I just shoot it as is and mess with 2 sets of brass?
The gun called to me in the night and awoke me at times so as I couldnt sleep. It may be I need some medicine or talk therapy about the talking gun but Im not overly concerned yet. It had been converted in my dreams to a 30 br with the bases turned to a ppc boltface. Is this common to the bench shooting public?
It had been converted in my dreams to a 30 br with the bases turned to a ppc boltface. Is this common to the bench shooting public?

Another possibility is to make it a 30 Grendel which uses the 6.5 Grendel case.

Randy Robinett uses the PPC bolt face in his original Time Precision actioned 30BR and rebates rims with a cutter. Maybe he'll post a pic of it.

I'd opt for the rebated BR case. ;) -Al
Another possibility is to make it a 30 Grendel which uses the 6.5 Grendel case.

Randy Robinett uses the PPC bolt face in his original Time Precision actioned 30BR and rebates rims with a cutter. Maybe he'll post a pic of it.

I'd opt for the rebated BR case. ;) -Al

Good idea. My tool grinder made Randy's for him. Works Great.
Good idea. My tool grinder made Randy's for him. Works Great.

Roger this - Butch was kind enough to, first, loan me his rebating tool, then, once I found how much better it was (compared to my old tool), put me in touch with his "tool grinder", so I could get my own. It's a simple design and works great for rebating all sorts of case-heads/rims - one plunge and done!:cool::D I rebate PPC to .222; .308 to PPC; and .404 Jeffery to Std. magnum diameters. Hey, Wally, did I mention, I do it to within 0.000005" diameter . . . . ?!? :p Well, ok, maybe +/- 0.001" . . . ;)RG
Old School Here

Roger this - Butch was kind enough to, first, loan me his rebating tool, then, once I found how much better it was (compared to my old tool), put me in touch with his "tool grinder", so I could get my own. It's a simple design and works great for rebating all sorts of case-heads/rims - one plunge and done!:cool::D I rebate PPC to .222; .308 to PPC; and .404 Jeffery to Std. magnum diameters. Hey, Wally, did I mention, I do it to within 0.000005" diameter . . . . ?!? :p Well, ok, maybe +/- 0.001" . . . ;)RG

Its great to have the right tooling isnt it? Working to 3 microns takes a steady hand for sure! lol. I have all kinds of oddball HS lathe cutters I can surely make work. Plus I do have a Gorton tool grinder that I use to make cutters by hand the old school way. Ill be happy to hold .002 so its all good here in Hammer Jockey Central. Thanks for the advice.
Dog gone it!

Another possibility is to make it a 30 Grendel which uses the 6.5 Grendel case.

Randy Robinett uses the PPC bolt face in his original Time Precision actioned 30BR and rebates rims with a cutter. Maybe he'll post a pic of it.

I'd opt for the rebated BR case. ;) -Al

Now I have to look up 30 Grendel. It never ends does it Al?
when 6ppc first came out a score shooter by name flyod stoner cut his ppc cases to fit 222 bolt face i later did brs tpo fit 6pps bolt face

Yeah, I have some of Red Cornelison's brass that started as Remington 6BR brass, shortened .10, rebated to 222, necked down, and step in the neck for the bullet to sit on. He started with the BR brass that Remington produced without flash holes. Red experimented with different flash holes. 17HMR? Red was shooting them years before they were introduced. Federal supplied him with rimfire brass without powder. Red made the dies to neck it down to 17 and had a winning RF until they eliminated jacketed bullets. I have a few of those left. I did sell the case of Federal RF brass that Red had.


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yeah, i have some of red cornelison's brass that started as remington 6br brass, shortened .10, rebated to 222, necked down, and step in the neck for the bullet to sit on. He started with the br brass that remington produced without flash holes. Red experimented with different flash holes. 17hmr? Red was shooting them years before they were introduced. Federal supplied him with rimfire brass without powder. Red made the dies to neck it down to 17 and had a winning rf until they eliminated jacketed bullets. I have a few of those left. I did sell the case of federal rf brass that red had.
had a talk with red at a match once he was using this case killing turtles in his pond off his porch
Yeah, I have some of Red Cornelison's brass that started as Remington 6BR brass, shortened .10, rebated to 222, necked down, and step in the neck for the bullet to sit on. He started with the BR brass that Remington produced without flash holes. Red experimented with different flash holes. 17HMR? Red was shooting them years before they were introduced. Federal supplied him with rimfire brass without powder. Red made the dies to neck it down to 17 and had a winning RF until they eliminated jacketed bullets. I have a few of those left. I did sell the case of Federal RF brass that Red had.

Cool 'stuff' here - few experiment these days! Thank you, Butch!:cool: Rebated, or standard, the .22BR, minus .100 to .200" is a "killer good" cartridge capacity range! I like mine -.200".:eek: Wayne S, thank you for posting the pic - looks just like the one Butch got for me. :D RG
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red and i were in louisaa in motel bar after the match. talking about old times before the split rred told things were not told to eastern people right.

Bill, I was not privy to your conversation with Red. I can only say that Red had no pond in front of his house or one visible from the rear. I have never witnessed Red having a drink or using foul language.
Not disputing anything, I just saw my side of Red.
bill, i was not privy to your conversation with red. I can only say that red had no pond in front of his house or one visible from the rear. I have never witnessed red having a drink or using foul language.
Not disputing anything, i just saw my side of red.
[ dont know what red was drinking he had glass seting in front of him p s i dont drink either but pop he was on some porch i thought it was at his house we both set for a hr. Or more he telling me about years gone by.