I Am Proud of the Folks In Connecticut !!!



I am sure that many if not most have heard about the folks in Connecticut exercising Civil Disobedience as far as there guns are concerned, and refusing to register there guns that fall under there new laws. I hope some of those folks read here on Benchrest Central and know that they do not stand alone.

Everyone of us will have to come to a choice about this issue at some point and time "I Feel". No one of us can tell anyone on what side of that line we stand as individual's when and if that time comes. That will be a personal choice we will just have to make.

That time is "NOW" for the folks in Connecticut, and I for one am very proud of the choices some are making.

We here in New York are right behind you, April 1 is our deadline for registration. I don't own one but I'm behind everyone that does, because I know I'll be next! (What did they say in Germany when they came to get the Jews, That's alright I'm not Jewish} People better Wake up!

Joe Salt
Al I think of it this way, by the time they get to me, I will already know they're coming and then I will own a Full auto one! I'd rather reach out and touch them anyway.

Joe Salt
Be as proud as you want.

However, with the overly zealous police & prosecutors that seem to be all too common, someone is going to die or have their life ruined over a paper work violation passed by legislative fiat. I'm not saying anything against the vast majority of police, but there are bad apples. These liberals are just fine with "breaking a few eggs" to make an example, and they have no scruples - and the people of Connecticut will pay the price.

Just look at the examples of people shot & beaten by police for no reason. Just in my town, an officer (the son of the Chief) assaulted a suspect in the cell. Cameras showed exactly what happened, but that person will never recover fully.


Well I am proud of them, very proud. I do understand your cynicism at the way the system is working. However surely you don't harbor under the illusion that when there is a fight no one gets bloody. This is going to be a fight for "OUR" 2nd amendment rights and someone is going to get bloody. We all will have to decide if we want to set in front of the TV all nice and warm and comfy and let others fight the fight for us or take a stand.

Our founding fathers faced this very same question all those years ago, with the exception of the TV. It is interesting to look at the way the people of the wanna be United States Of America responded. History shows us that 1/3rd of the population wanted to fight that fight. Yes only one third! Another one third wanted to maintain the status qou and remain subjects of the King. The last 1/3rd were completely ambivaltent and did not care as long as they were left alone. I believe that that ratio probably remains the same even today. The question I guess would be which 1/3rd to you want to stand with?

The sad thing

is that you can now become a felon for doing nothing. No assaults, robberies, fraud or causing any kind of physical or economic damage to anyone or anything except not registering a gun. :mad:
You got it, do nothing and become a Felon! Instead of dealing with the problem. After a few of these people that come to take the guns start Dieing they will tell the guys that made this law go get them yourself!

Joe Salt
Yes and I guess what I was taught in school so many years ago has changed. That the Government worked for us! We are suppose to tell them what they can have and do! How thing change.

Joe Salt
Big Brother


I agree with you although I am afraid if a couple of the people coming to get the guns are shot, rather than them telling the powers to be to get the guns themselves the Swat teams will roll and we will be reading about the "gun nut" that wouldn't give up his gun in the mainstream media.

Are the " BONEHEADS" in Connecticut that stupid? we had long gun registration for? well I do not know how many years at a cost of 86 million, (what the government told us), but turned into 3 or 4 BILLION dollars and these morons want to register long guns. Oh well better you then us!!!!
Yes and I guess what I was taught in school so many years ago has changed. That the Government worked for us! We are suppose to tell them what they can have and do! How thing change.

Joe Salt

Guys, it is still WE THE PEOPLE. If we choose to loose rights then who is to blame? The lobbyists, El Nino, Al Qeita, no, it will be WE THE PEOPLE!!

Get busy, stay aware of current and proposed events, support the NRA, and by all means stay in touch with your elected leaders.
dburkart I don't think it will be the swat teams coming for the guns most of them have family's, I think they would be smarter than that. Obama already has his mercenaries to do that. Some I am sure there not going to hesitate to shoot first if they know you're armed! The Constitution says we have the right to own what ever we want this is still a free country. If you want to give up that right, go ahead. I'm knot!

Joe Salt