Hydro-Forming 220 to 6PPC

Darrell jones

New member

I am Darrell Jones with DJ's Brass Service.

I am soliciting your thoughts on me providing Hydro 6PPC brass service. I am not looking to sell the brass already prepared. I am looking at the feasibility of providing Hydro service with my customers brass, per their headspace requirements or their sample. I can provide the brass service at a given go gauge datum dimension.

Currently, I am in the early stage of getting the custom hydro die custom built and hardened and will be able to set it up to adjust for minute heads pacing specifics. This brass will be ready for a full load or resize to other wildcat or neck turned to the users desires and loading data.

Due to the fact that the cleaning process I use, the brass will be washed to remove the hydro fluid that I use. This will cause the annealing ring left by Lapua to be a bright shining overall case inside and out.

I respect and appreciate your thoughts if there would be enough interest in the Hydro formed 6PPC to provide the cartridge in my already popular 6 Dasher, 6 BRDX and 6 BRX and additional wildcats off of those cartridges.

Even though my method is proprietary, I can share that my brass is formed with over 40,000 PSI impact. In my process, I must expand the necks to 6mm first, then form the 6PPC before I can do any FL resizing to your chamber.

It is my desire to provide samples to those that would like to check it out for themselves and to evaluate the overall dimensions before I provide this service to those that may have a need or desire to try it out.

Provided there is enough support, my desire will have an ad here marketing the aforementioned services.

Thank you in advance for you valued comments and suggestions.

Darrell Jones

DJ's Brass Service


  • Hydro 6 PPC.JPG
    Hydro 6 PPC.JPG
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Darrell - Are you saying that you can supply a 6PPC case that is ready to fire in my rifle....record shots. Or...will they need to be neck turned before firing?

It would seem that it would be easier in the long run, for all involved, if you supplied 6PPC cases that were true all over regardless of the neck thickness. I'm pretty sure that folks are beginning to shoot thicker necks but they believe they need to be true all around. To make what I'm saying more simple....just make good cases and let folks get their rifles chambered for those cases. In time, that would be a pretty good deal for all involved.

What's this gonna cost per case...fifty cents or more...including the case? :)
Hydro 220 to 6PPC

Darrell - Are you saying that you can supply a 6PPC case that is ready to fire in my rifle....record shots. Or...will they need to be neck turned before firing?

It would seem that it would be easier in the long run, for all involved, if you supplied 6PPC cases that were true all over regardless of the neck thickness. I'm pretty sure that folks are beginning to shoot thicker necks but they believe they need to be true all around. To make what I'm saying more simple....just make good cases and let folks get their rifles chambered for those cases. In time, that would be a pretty good deal for all involved.

What's this gonna cost per case...fifty cents or more...including the case? :)

Thanks for your inquiry Wilbur.

The brass will be formed consistently just as if you fired it out of your chamber It will be trued from all angles with the exact same neck diameter due to the Hydro pressure forming. I can share that the overall length will be the same + or - .002. Provided one had a no turn neck, all that would need to be done is their usual case prep before loading.

I have many long range shooters using my Dasher and BRX formed brass directly from me and have shot 3" and 5" groups at 1000 yards during a match.

I currently charge .60¢ each for Hydro case forming. As you know, that is really just saving you the cost of components and barrel wear to eliminate fire forming. In addition, I charge .60¢ each for neck turning as well. I will not be as bold to say I can turn necks to everyone's expectations but can usually get within .0002 .

The main reason I prefer not to sell the brass is I would be required to maintain inventory and charge sales tax, in which I rather not get involved with that process at all.

Many brass suppliers drop ship directly to me for their customers currently. Upon completion, I ship directly back to my valued customers. I am usually have a week turnaround. On special request, I can get them out in a day or two if need be.

I am open to other thoughts and ideas.

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Brass Prep for Shooters

I think this is a great service you offer.
I don't know of anyone offering the Hydro-forming of the 220 Russian to the 6/22 ppc.
It may take a while for the word to get around.
Some want the other person to be the test case to determine if successful.
Anyway I encourage you to keep us informed of your success and your services to the shooting community.
Maybe you could offer 20-25 cases fully prepped & hydro/formed to this group as an introductory offer to get it started?
Good luck!!!
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Hydro 220 to 6PPC

I think this is a great service you offer.
I don't know of anyone offering the Hydro-forming of the 220 Russian to the 6/22 ppc.
It may take a while for the word to get around.
Some want the other person to be the test case to determine if successful.
Anyway I encourage you to keep us informed of your success and your services to the shooting community.
Maybe you could offer 20-25 cases fully prepped & hydro/formed to this group as an introductory offer to get it started?
Good luck!!!

Thank you Mr. Peterson for your valued input.

It is my desire to have some test cases available by late next week so they can be scrutinized accordingly.

If someone would like a few to evaluate and provide their constructive thoughts please let me know. Perhaps this will lead to access to fully formed PPC brass that can be used to enhance their game.

I am looking forward to other comments or selected individuals that will evaluate my first lot.

For those that may wish to contact me directly, please feel free to contact me at dj@djsbrass.com or 205-461-4680.

Thank you all kindly for your consideration.

6PPC Norma Brass has been available a number of years. Don't know exactly how many. I've used it before,in fact, I have a reamer for 6PPC Norma Brass. I see no reason why Hydro formed lapua, 6PPC brass, would be any less attractive. I would definitely be interested in checking it out. I say go for it. I think the market is ripe for an idea like yours.

You might consider offering, as well, a standard dimensioned case with a neck selection. I doubt I am unique in that I am still likely going to take a case you provide and run it in my custom FL die to size base and shoulder bump to my chamber requirements using a drop shipped brass purchase. Might this also be doable?
Hydro 220 to 6PPC

You might consider offering, as well, a standard dimensioned case with a neck selection. I doubt I am unique in that I am still likely going to take a case you provide and run it in my custom FL die to size base and shoulder bump to my chamber requirements using a drop shipped brass purchase. Might this also be doable?

Thank you for your response Tim.

I absolutely can and will have a standard case for a baseline to order from. For those that just want to FL size with their die is what I am initialing thinking to provide. With those that want to send me a sample to match their headspace, I can do that as well. The dilemma is what "standard" neck diameter do I need to provide for the standard base case.

Hopefully, I should be making samples this weekend if my custom Hydro die arrives tomorrow as promised.

I am soliciting any additional input for this initiative. Please feel free to provide me or others any thoughts from any of you which may help move this project along.

Thanks again.

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Hydro Formed 6 PPC

Good luck Darrell.

Thanks for your support Butch.

Attached are the first out of the Hydro die today. With some minor adjustments, I'll be sending out samples for those that have requested in the aforementioned above.

Thanks again to all that have responded.


DJ's Brass Service


  • 6-PPC Hydro Form.JPG
    6-PPC Hydro Form.JPG
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very old thread but I can say for certain that DJ's hydroforming and turning is excellent. I can use the brass in a match and not really give up anything. Will be sending some more in February when he is back at it.
very old thread but I can say for certain that DJ's hydroforming and turning is excellent. I can use the brass in a match and not really give up anything. Will be sending some more in February when he is back at it.

Yep. Tried out DJ's Brass Service. Nice job. 220 Russian to 6PPC.
Creedmoor Sports sent the brass to DJ's and a few days later he sent them to me. Ready to go.
Shot some for sighters with some reject bullets. They for the most part stayed in the group. We were shooting VFS at WWCCA.
Load of 28.2gn of AA 2015. And wow, they looked ready to go.
Very happy thanks DJ.
Yep. Tried out DJ's Brass Service. Nice job. 220 Russian to 6PPC.
Creedmoor Sports sent the brass to DJ's and a few days later he sent them to me. Ready to go.
Shot some for sighters with some reject bullets. They for the most part stayed in the group. We were shooting VFS at WWCCA.
Load of 28.2gn of AA 2015. And wow, they looked ready to go.
Very happy thanks DJ.

Great! I think he will be back in action in April.
I don't care if you don't do that anymore. I want the full experience.

6PPC Norma Brass has been available a number of years. Don't know exactly how many. I've used it before,in fact, I have a reamer for 6PPC Norma Brass. I see no reason why Hydro formed lapua, 6PPC brass, would be any less attractive. I would definitely be interested in checking it out. I say go for it. I think the market is ripe for an idea like yours.


Glen, I shoot a .268 neck and the neck thickness on Norma brass is too thin for this neck thickness chamber. You can shoot it without turning the necks. You could probably use it with .267 or .266 neck chambers if you want to turn the necks. This information is for when the Norma cases became first available several years ago. BTW did you ever reach a compromise with those extraterrestrials that abducted you? I am referring to the argument you had with them about the anal probe.
Argument Settled

Glen, BTW did you ever reach a compromise with those extraterrestrials that abducted you? I am referring to the argument you had with them about the anal probe.[/QUOTE

Argument settled with the Chinese Govt. I canceled my vacation to Kowloon. Because of the mandatory anal probe test for Covid.?
Thanks for asking.
