How to tell if a M700 action was trued?

If any of the receiver face is visible, you can check that and see if the finish is the same as it is on the rest of the action. If not, then the face has been cut.

Look at the bolt lugs, if the bearing surfaces of the lugs look really nice, chances are they were cut.

Other than that, there's not much to see without removing the barrel. Looking at the receiver lugs is a real tell-tale way to find out.
Give it to a gunsmith and have them check it.
Just because it was hacked on, doesn't mean its trued, moreover, trued to what.
One way, (I am being a tad facetious), is to look at the firing pin indention on the primer. If it is anywhere near the center, something probably has been done to the action.

If the barrel is out of the action, look at the action face. Remingtons have a cross cut ground finish, any truing should appear to have a single point tool look.

As others have said, just looking at lugs, bolt nose, etc, can give good indications. But, as has also been said, you really have no idea what sort of "truing" has really been performed. From a machinist standpoint, many so called "truing" leaves the action in no better shape that it was, and if by truing the timing and promary extraction was all screwed up, the action might be in worst shape that in the beginning.

All sounds bleak, huh. But unless you know who trued it, and what procedures were used, just do not assume that everything is as it should be.........jackie
What signs can I look for on a barreled action to see if it has been touched in any way?

Fingerprints would be one clue, unless the perpetrator wore gloves. Another would be if the original barrel is installed. If so, it's probably untouched.
Even if the original barrel is still in place look at the locking lugs. Some people attempt to lap them and the result is not always good.
Two things I noticed after reading a couple posts...

1. The receiver face still looks blued with no visible machine marks.
2. The primer indentation is not centered.

The XP I have I picked up used and it has a Hart barrel and a custom stock. The next question I have, would it be worthwhile getting the action trued/blueprinted? Doing so, would the barrel require a minor setback?
Shoot it until the barrel is worn out... then when you have it re barrelled have your gunsmith true it up... it is just as easy to true it, as it is to check to see how true it is. Then keep the documentation about that action for the next guy...