Hoping to find some help.


Lucky Shooter

Does anybody know of a way to remove HI SPOT BLUE ? Other than wearing it off ?

Will appreciate any help.

A. weldy
Thanks Eddie. Is the stuff dangerous to skin ?

A. Weldy
Thanks Boyd. A little of that stuff can go a long way.

The harder I tried to get it off, the worse it smeared----could have easily smeared over the whole house.

I used some Soft Scrub and got most of it off----the rest will probably have to wear off.

A. Weldy
Did you read the tech. sheet that I posted a link to? In it I read that the company that makes the blue makes a remover. Just click on the link.
Yes, I did read it----and saw the remover.

Turned out that my tube of the stuff had a leak that I didn't see until it was too late----threw it in the trash.

I'll check on some remover when I get my next tube.

Thanks again Boyd.

A. Weldy
If your using Dykem, then wash the parts in mineral spirits. If it's a very old tube of Hi-Spot Blue you in trouble! Triclorethalene or Carbontet were the best. Some of the later stuff is water soluble. I think I've used everykind of blueing on the market at onetime or another scraping machinery
Thanks Gary-------should have made it clear that I got it all over my hands..

A. Weldy
Thanks Gary-------should have made it clear that I got it all over my hands..

A. Weldy

eighty percent of the folks using the stuff are using it incorrectly, and the ones that are using it corectly hate the stuff! I made a living using it about 100 days a year. Be glad you are using the new stuff instead of the real old stuff; cause you just gotta wear it off. They also sell water soluble stuff in blue and orange. Comes in bottles and the stuff looks like 90 weight transmission grease. Not as good as Dykem, but once you learn to cheat, you get pretty good results (good to about .000050"). The trick is to use the orange with plain jane turpentine instead of water to thin it out (this stuff is a red lead substitute). I also found the same stuff in a powdered form much like chalk. This worked even better, and used it with turpentine and a touch of light weight spindle oil. Then with this stuff you use the Dykem to show the high spots on the orange. I used this combo to scrape machines, and should work for anything else. Still none of these will ever work as well as Chinese red and plain red lead (both are outlawed now). just remember the rule of the thumb: if you don't think you have used enough; you probably already have too much