At the beginning of this year I met a Father/Son team that seemed to be interested in shooting BR. They started off shooting the factory class at Fairfax and eventually wandered to a couple other ranges. At a match down in Richmond, Adrian VanGorder had lent one of his VFS rifles to Alex Tolley (son) to shoot the match with. At the end of the match, Alex was surprised to find out that his Father Kevin had actually arranged a purchase of that rifle for him. He was elated to say the least. This was just a few matches after shooting their first one. Anyhow, since then, Kevin has acquired his own rifle as well as a Loading trailer, and all the rest of the amenities. Looks like its already paying off in a big way too. Kevin has found himself on top of the Rookie of the year standings for 2009. Congratulations Kevin!!! Way to go and I wish you and Alex continued success in the coming years...Hal