Hood Quick Cradle

I bought one of these a long time ago, and the Hood's don't take credit cards. I tried to send a check. I tried to send a BLANK check. I asked for a mailed bill....

Now I sometimes get a lot of packages, this one went into the reloading room pile and didn't even get opened, for months.

I mean months went by.

And I got a call, from Cheryl....

"Hi Al, how are things out there?"

"And how's the fam'ly? All those lovely children..."

And "we're enjoying this spring weather"

And "we were wondering, Charlie and I, were you planning to pay us for that cradle?"

!!WHUHHH???!! :confused: :O

I RIPPED down to the shop and shore 'nuff...... there under the shipping label was a bill.

Like an icepick under the fingernail... I HATE when that happens...

Ohh Well


Yea, Cheryl & Charlie are about as gooda folks as it gets. BTW, Al, if that Qick Cradle is still in the box & you want to send it this way, just PM me and I'll get you my address right away.
Forgot to mention that I talked to Scotty Crawford, and he is planning to make some more of the Quick Cradles, probably be ready in November.
Keep in mind that prices shown are from several years ago when Charlie was making & selling these. I saw them somewhere a couple years ago priced at $200, but not under the Hood brand. I think Scotty is going to try to beat that, but don't know for sure if he can. There is quite a bit of machining work involved.