Hi guys, newbie


New member
New guy ,here anyway,actually I'm almost an old guy,in twenty more years I guess I'll be old,maybe,I shoot off the bench at times but I actually don 'T do much bench rest formally but I like accurate rifles,good triggers,like to make bad guns work better,really excellent guns are alright but they're no challenge ,they already shoot good.
New guy ,here anyway,actually I'm almost an old guy,in twenty more years I guess I'll be old,maybe,I shoot off the bench at times but I actually don 'T do much bench rest formally but I like accurate rifles,good triggers,like to make bad guns work better,really excellent guns are alright but they're no challenge ,they already shoot good.

You came to the right place. Welcome aboard.

Gene Beggs
One of the Keys

New guy ,here anyway,actually I'm almost an old guy,in twenty more years I guess I'll be old,maybe,I shoot off the bench at times but I actually don 'T do much bench rest formally but I like accurate rifles,good triggers,like to make bad guns work better,really excellent guns are alright but they're no challenge ,they already shoot good.

in benchrest shooting is taking a fine rifle put together by a top gunsmith and tuning it and keeping it there. Once that is sort of in hand, then shooting it competently is the difference between winning and not. A super accurate rifle is nothing in the hands of a poor shooter. The ultimate determiner of performance is the shooter imo.