Hey Wilbur!



When are you going to update the match results? I have sent in "support tickets" with no response and emailed you as well. It is the end of the season, It would be nice to know where we stand!
Hi Steve,

You don't realy expect a answer from Wilbur do you? If you do you must believe in Santa? I don't think Wilbur understands the concept of customer service.

Pinnacle results from 8/28 and the NH State Shoot are still amoung the missing.

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Maybe Wilbur is stuck in the chimbly just in back of Santa? Where Oh where could he be, where Oh where could Wilbur be?

All of us folks heading out for final shoots this weekend sure would like to know where we stand.
It is a real crock of s@it. We have a sanctioning body that cares so little about the accomplishments of its members
and that dosen't even answer the freaking Email or it's own support tickets. WAY TO GO !!! (It will cash your checks however)
Ya know friends, what I am going to suggest will probably get me in trouble, but here is my suggestion anyway.

I think all the hard working, and unappreciated (by management), IR Match Directors should withhold those checks until the results are posted and the IR website is up to date. Remember, we are Wilbur's customers. Remember. a $1 to a $1.50 per target is sent to Wilbur. Remember, without us there is no IR. We pay Wilbur for something we are not getting...customer service!

Communication seems so good quick and easy in this day and age...I can't help but wonder why Wilbur has such a problem communicating.

Doing this may, or may not, help but we can always hope.

Milt Cook would roll over in his grave if he could see what has been done to his fine game.

Al :(
when our scores weren't posted i called wilburs number after a few tries of no answer's
i got elmer, he checked found our scores stuck or something in email, it was posted
15 minutes later. i think wilbur's back to working full time plus.
1-423-365-6059 worked for me. from troubles i've had in the past sometimes they don't
actually get the scores and they need to be resent. good luck.
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Since yesterday the list points were corrected. The Nationals Sporter scores were wrong.
Unfortunately still no results for the month of September.
II agree with Kent. Several months ago I suggested withholding target funds and did not get flamed. I mentioned other alternatives and was corrected by Kent. The last time I talked to Wilbur, he had to return to work- I did not ask why as that was a personal problem. Confounded by a server crash he kept things going. Now that we are getting to the end of the season, people are concerned, having traveled and shot multiple clubs. I can understand this, haveing shot 30 matches 3 years ago and winding up 26th on the List and 25th this year. I think he may have taken on too much, complicated by unforseen problems. I truly believe he will overcome this and we will see results. His problem is also complicated by rangemasters that don't electronicly submit results and think that pencils and typewriters are state of the art.
Bob Pekaar
We are going to miss Wilbur. I hope that this type of complaining has not simply wore him out. It is after all is said and done, just a game.

Concho Bill
Your post about the stats on the "other" game is BS. I'll agree the past year to which you're referring is correct due to the problems with Calvin. I personally invite you to check the site now. The only results that are not posted are the 3 or 4 that came in late last week and this weekend's nationals. I'll have them on there within a day or so.

By the way Kent, in the RBA, it's the match director's job to calculate the SOTY winner(s), not mine as the business manager. Check the rule book. Those pages are there as a courtesy.

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I deleted my former post and apologize if it seemed to reflect badly on you. You've always done an exceptional job in your capacity of the organization, and I've always told everyone that.
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