Herb Llewellyn breaks LV Grand Agg. Record as Joe Pellegrene wins Pennsylvania States

Dick Grosbier

Club Coordinator
In an unusually nice day for a match at the York IWLA range in Dallastown PA.some very good shooting was done by a number of competitors. Starting in the AM with the 200yd stage Kim Llewellyn took the early lead but an unexplained errant shot in match 3 left her to finish Mid Pack. while Joe Pellegrene and Herb Llewellyn struggled to see who would be the 200 winner. Joe Pellegrene persevered and shot a 250-16x to take the win.

After the flags were reset and without even a 100yd warmup match the fray started anew with a somewhat new cast Wayne France stepped up to the line and began shooting a solid string of 5x Targets, Tim Henderson and Dean Breeden hung with him for 2 more targets but only Wayne held his cool and shot 25 straight In the end it was Wayne who took the win.

Joe Pellegrene won the VFS Grand with a HV record tying 500x39x, Herb Llewellyn was 2nd with a Potential New LV record of 500-35x 3rd by virtue of tie breaking procedure was Wayne France also with 500-35x

Eddie Harren Won the 200 and the Grand in Varmint Hunter, While Dave Thomas Won the 100 and was 2nd in the grand.

Vince Pastorella the lone hunter class shooter won everything in Hunter class.

Full Results are available on the IBS Webpage


Herb LLewellyn set a potential 100-200yd LV Grand Aggregate record. And Wayne France's 250-25x is a possible HV record if he has 22 or more wipeouts. Both sets of targets went directly fron the range to the hands of the chairman of the Records committee thanks to Kent stopping by,

It was a well run Match KL Miller By Dave Thomas Sid Goodling, Kl's 2 sons and a a number of other workers. Excellent food was supplied by Mrs. Dave Thomas.

All in all it must be said it was a much more pleasant event than Last years which was held in almost Hurricane Weather conditions.

Congratulations to all the winners !
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Sounds like there was a rash of good shooting

Can someone post or send me an equipment list? Great shooting Wayne, Herb and Joe.