Helping a new shooter


NRA Life Member

I wanted to float this on the board and see if we can find some help for a new shooter. He is in need of a BR Stock for a Stolle Panda at a rediculously low price or free. I have went through friends and stocks I have and nothing so far. I am willing to give someone a stock I have if they would give this person a stock or I'll sell a stock to pay for it for him. Let me know what you have by email or PM and see if we can work something out.

The stock currently on his gun is a Hunter class so if someone needs one of them, he can sell it, trade it or whatever we can come up with.

Kevin I have a kelbly stock inleted for a panda&50 bucks plus shipping
What configuration Panda? I have a Klub for a Panda that is RBLPRE (forward micro) that may meet your economic criteria. We can further discuss if you wish.

Let me know how I can help...don't have a stock and not much cash but I'll help all I can. Holler back!
Sorry for the late reply, I don't get on the computer much on weekends or evenings as I am usually traveling or working on the farm.

His Panda is a RBRP, I'm not to concerned about the ports as I can open them up or fix that. It would be nice for a right bolt, but I can patch that also. Not to concerned about looks either, just need a straight decent stock for the guy. I'm going to call him after while and talk some more. I'll probably have him send me his gun and let me help straighten his problems out.

I have a barrel for a BAT that shoots really well that I am trying to get him to have fitted for his gun, I'm giving the barrel to him for free.

Thanks for the replys and will be back on here soon,

Tried to e-mail and "PM" you, but both methods is the best way to contact you concerning the stock?
That's Odd, never had a problem from the site that I know of. My email is: sfchovis (at)
