Help with 303 cast bullet loads



I have a Savage ,made 303 Enfeild that I want to shoot cast bullets in. The land diameter is .303 and the groove diameter is .312. It is a two groove barrel. All attempts so far to get it to shoot cast has been a failure. I have tried .311 and also .309 cast bullets with several powders and the only success I have had so far is with Trailboss. Everything else tumbles! Any suggestions? Any help appreaciated. Thanks.
go to
do a google is not a dotcom...
go to thier mil rifle section...
with a 312 bore i would suggest the 314299 bullet mold..314 dia 210 or so weight
mike in co
Back when I played with cast loads in the .303, I found that most of Lyman's moulds were oversize & more suitable for the .311+ barrels than the .308s they were made for. I had a lot of luck with the 31141, which Lyman appears to have renamed the 311041 & around 24 grains of IMR 4198 to give me something approaching 2000 fps. Loverin designs were OK too, but once I got one bullet shooting, I didn't experiment all that much.

I did run some squib loads with little .32 pistol projectiles, but I can't recall the load I used & anyway, the powder is obsolete now.

I never had all that much luck with the long bore riding projectiles - it was just about impossible to find a mould that actually rode the bore of even lightly interfered with it. Most rattled around, tipped & became unstable. I should point out that it was just a diversion for me; I wasn't about searching for the perfect pill or having cherries cut to my specification.
Thanks guys. I'll try some of the hints and some of the data at castboolits too.
Way back when I first started out in HI-power ( 200 yrds reduced targets) I was using a british Lee Enfield ( only thing I could find in my price range witha 5 rnd mag) with cast. Used a mold from Lee, with gas checks, Did right well with it but I have not the faintest idea what the charge and powder were now. Likely right out of the Lee's recipes( I have it written down somewhere but that was 5 moves ago and some 30 + years in the past as well.) I do know that the mix was 2 lbs recovered pistol lead bullets and 1 lbs of lino. type and that it was at least a 312 mold dia. which I then ran through a sizing die to seat the gas check again 312. ( made mine own nose punch) Lee alox was the lube. ( worked great on deer also) It would hold the ten ring as well as I could at the time. Do not believe the bullet weight was over 200 more like 180 or so
the reason castboolits exsists is due to the narrow minds of castbulletassociation,,cba...
most things written in books today are based on what "someone"said was the way to do things..not on data.
lots of real world experience on castboolits..not just follow the leader...even if the leader is wrong.
there are three real criteria for a cast boolit...
lube that makes it to the end of the bbl
size for YOUR bbl, not generic, but 1/2 to 1 thou over your bbl.
hardness for the velocity you wish to shoot.

i shoot a 44 mag revolver in a 50 ys steel match. large targets leaning forward. you must knock them up over center to knock them down.
357 mag does not work, 41 mag will work for guys that can stay on the top of the steel. i shoot a 300 gr boolit at just under 1100 fps. the match is typically about 65 rounds or so. at the end of the match, i scrub my cylinder to remove powder and lube, and run a SINGLE patch thru the bbl..and i am leading.

mike in co
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