Help spousal abuse......


I am sitting here trying to go through the boards and my wife has the American Idol auditions playing and listing to it is becoming really painful. I think making me listen to this while trying to read the forum should fall under the spousal abuse heading.

Some of these people trying to sing make me think I am actually on an anti hunting website playing sounds of dying animals......
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Vern...get your wife a job at Walmart as a greeter...make sure she works the weekends and rotating shifts...that should keep her away from that kinda TV garbage...and earn some extra bullet/beer money for your shooting habit...;)

Eddie in Texas
Definitely spousal abuse!!!

I never watch that travesty, but I've seen ads for it or walked through when it was on and wondered who was being tortured. Maybe I'm just old and crotchety, but some of those people should be terminally embarrassed to be seen in public looking and sounding like they do. One of the wonderful results of the self esteem movement IMHO. "Don't tell little Rodney that he looks like a slaughtered hog, and sounds like
he's being stretched on the rack because it'll ruin his self esteem."
Well Ill have to say that some sound and look like that and worse and tonight in my adventures through the house some of them got told exactly that.
I thought maybe I should use my digital recorder and record some of it for exciting new varmint calls. Either that or new thriller movew:D
Well CUZ that says a lot.
Wife listened to it. She agreed....with a few other minor comments, but I wont share those here.f
Sufficive to say she says its give and take.
She has her dance and singing shows and I have my guns.
If she keeps her shows I keep my guns and matches. hehehehehehe oooooooookkkkkaaayyyyyyy.
Ear buds, jackson. You can listen to Marilyn Manson on iTunes.........
Two possible solutions to this problem. I keep ear plugs and ear muffs next to my recliner. When the wife has her "soaps" on and I am trying to read the latest edition of PS, is when I put all of them on. Or on the other can go out to the shop or "go to the gun store". The former seems to work the best. Then when she says something to you, you can legally ignore it.

Jackie, I didn't know you were so sensitive.

And I thought I had it bad....

And I thought I had it bad when my wife starts up her old Charley Chan movies!

Regards, Ron
I am sitting here trying to go through the boards and my wife has the American Idol auditions playing and listing to it is becoming really painful. I think making me listen to this while trying to read the forum should fall under the spousal abuse heading.

Some of these people trying to sing make me think I am actually on an anti hunting website playing sounds of dying animals......

I have been noticing that lately, in church. I heard our old friend Garrison Keillor discusse it-caterwahling...
I am sitting here trying to go through the boards and my wife has the American Idol auditions playing and listing to it is becoming really painful. I think making me listen to this while trying to read the forum should fall under the spousal abuse heading.

Some of these people trying to sing make me think I am actually on an anti hunting website playing sounds of dying animals......

Vern: IF you are over say sixty that would be Elderly Abuse and is punishable by law.

Na not yet only 52.
She really is a sport about everything.
Never complains when I go shoot, matter of fact she went with me last year to several of the matches.
She is interested in shooting but does not like the kick.
I have thought about one of the 22ppcs but that will have to wait another year.
Matter of fact she doesnt even complain when I buy equipment .... so far.
Ok now its Thursday
She's doing it again.
The last woman that was on and I didnt have something in the earphones to helllllllllllp.
Helllllllllllllllllllllp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee

Dr Tim where are you when I need you and your chainsaw blender.......................................
Well John your partly right I am hard of hearing from so many years of gun fire but sadly most of it was never at a range and you couldnt use ear plugs at the time I am sure many know what I mean.
Its sad because many times at the range if I dont put in my plugs it doesnt bother me unless its one of those muzzle compensator thingies.
BUT I do still put them in.