Have we reached the pinnacle?

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I've been shooting competitive Benchrest 20 few years. I got interested by reading a big stack of old Precision Shooting magazines a local gun dealer was given by a fellow who had gotten out of Benchrest. This is like 1996 or so. Back then folks were experimenting with a lot of stuff. The 30 BR Robinette had not come to the fore yet.The 6 PPC was KING.

The past few years it has been my observation that other than annealers becoming acceptable and refined, nothing much new, at all, has come to be. Have we reached the top of this Sport? Is there nowhere else to go?

Well, I can't speak for "We" but I believe I have reached my personal pinnacle and am sliding down the other side of the mountain.

Doesn't mean I'm giving up, though.