Harrison Score Match Results


Al Walewski
A Score Match was held at the Harrison Sportsman's club this morning. We had a good number of competitors in attendance, including two competitors who are new to benchrest shooting.

The winners are,

In VFS Class;
1st. Al Walewski 250-23X
2nd. Steve Robbins 250-22X
3rd. (by Creedmore) Larry Gage 250-21X
4th. Mike Conway 250-21X

In Custom Class;
1st. Mitch Tannehill 246-4x
2nd. Austin Lavigne 244-13X (first time BR competitor)
3rd. Bob Jones 240-7X

In Factory Class;
1st. David Emmett 238-4X (first time BR competitor)
2nd. Charles Deardoff 227-3X
3rd. Kurt Krug 218-2X

Congrats to Al, Mitch and David to some fine shooting! Good to see a few old faces show up for a match. Next match is a Score Match 9-12-2009.

Complete results are included in the attachment.
Al Walewski


  • Harrison Score Match 8-22-2009.pdf
    55 KB · Views: 192
Harrison Results

We had a great turnout and Mother Nature was pretty kind to us. Threatened rain but we only got a fine mist a couple of times. We could live with the mist because the breezes were calm and fairly consistent or non-existent.
It was a great group and we had a pretty darn good time. Good job shooting today Al, along with your computer duties you were a busy guy.
Hope to see everyone September 12th...

The Top Five

Looks like the top five guns in the VFS were all 6ppc's. Gave those 30s a run for there money today...

Harrison, Michigan
Yes, we all had a great time and two first time shooters. One of the first time shooters just started shooting Thur before the match, and Austin is 15. My thanks to Brian for helping him on Friday.

Jeff Aberegg
First Shoot

Not only was it Austins first shoot, he was in the money. He got through the first match jitters like a real pro.
