Harrells Premium Powder Measurer

Next time out, the results may switch...and so it goes.

"For the loser now will be later to win..." - Bob Dylan

"eeeny meany jelly beany" - Bullwinkle Moose
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Pete ...

I pre-load and weigh too but it remains that I don't win all the time.

No one wins all the time, not even Tony Boyer. But from your statement it appears you do win and win with your adopted methods. Good Shooting!
This may not be the place to ask but does anybody know anything about a powder measure made by a company out of Az called RFD knives. It says it's a culver type powder measure. I just picked up one from an estate sale and it seems to be VERY well made and so far extremely accurate. They're pretty pricy at about $250.00
.2 tenths and three tenths change with 4350 powder means absolutely nothing to me. I mostly throw 4350 all year long. Harrell's measure id hands down the best most consistent measure I've ever used and that includes all the Lyman conversions to the Culver style. Throwing charges for point blank shooting with my Harrell, it has been impossible to tell the difference from weighted charges, on paper.

I remember calling Lynwood the week after getting my measure from him and telling him how impressed I was with his measure, never seeing beyond a .3 tenth change with 4350. He told me I was the first guy not to B**** about the .3 tenths? I'm throwing 76 grain charges and only seeing a variation of .3 tenths and under with 4350. For me that is amazing.
Helping your measure..

Radio Shack and electronics stores sell the small vibration unit that goes into cell phones and other things. They run off a small battery. They are not expensive under $20.00. Tape it to your powder reservoir. Turn it on when loading it will settle your powder to a consistent density. If it works on your measure then epoxy it on permanently. You might also try the Quick Measure. I will throw within a +/-.1 99% of the time. They take some user cure experience. I bought a RCBS 1500 and will not go back to a measure or scales personally.
I would assume

.2 tenths and three tenths change with 4350 powder means absolutely nothing to me. I mostly throw 4350 all year long. Harrell's measure id hands down the best most consistent measure I've ever used and that includes all the Lyman conversions to the Culver style. Throwing charges for point blank shooting with my Harrell, it has been impossible to tell the difference from weighted charges, on paper.

I remember calling Lynwood the week after getting my measure from him and telling him how impressed I was with his measure, never seeing beyond a .3 tenth change with 4350. He told me I was the first guy not to B**** about the .3 tenths? I'm throwing 76 grain charges and only seeing a variation of .3 tenths and under with 4350. For me that is amazing.

You are not shooting organized Benchrest using 4350. If that is so then perhaps you are satisfied with whatever accuracy you are getting, that's fine BUT for those of us who must have sub .200 to be competative, we must be closer than what two or three tenths will give us. If a person finds that say 42.3g gives the sub .002 group then 42.6 isn't going to place the bullet in the same hole. If you believe.3 is great you are a very forgiving person. Perhaps there should be more like you! :D
Anyone opining here

No one wins all the time, not even Tony Boyer. But from your statement it appears you do win and win with your adopted methods. Good Shooting!

should be both competing in actual Benchrest matches and winning some. How else could anyone justify an opinion on a Benchrest site?
You are not shooting organized Benchrest using 4350. If that is so then perhaps you are satisfied with whatever accuracy you are getting, that's fine BUT for those of us who must have sub .200 to be competative, we must be closer than what two or three tenths will give us. If a person finds that say 42.3g gives the sub .002 group then 42.6 isn't going to place the bullet in the same hole. If you believe.3 is great you are a very forgiving person. Perhaps there should be more like you! :D

I don't think .3 gr variation on a 76 gr charge is going to have nearly the same effect as a .3 gr. variation would have on a PPC charge. .3 variation on 76 gr would be a 0.3% change in the load. On a PPC with a 29 gr charge the same .3 variation would be a 1.0% change in the load. He would be getting the same consistency in charge weight variation as a PPC shooter with a .1 grain variation in charge weight.
Powder charge variations.......

+ & - .3gn(.6gn) spread in a 6PPC is worth about 70-80fps swing,enough to put you almost out of the "sweet spot" window if you're not in the middle of it. .1gn is worth "approx" 15fps. Thank you. gpoldblue
I don't think .3 gr variation on a 76 gr charge is going to have nearly the same effect as a .3 gr. variation would have on a PPC charge. .3 variation on 76 gr would be a 0.3% change in the load. On a PPC with a 29 gr charge the same .3 variation would be a 1.0% change in the load. He would be getting the same consistency in charge weight variation as a PPC shooter with a .1 grain variation in charge weight.

Yes that is a worst case scenario. With smaller grain powders I do not see that big a spread, normal with other powders. The scale beam hardly falls any where but center. With ball or short round powders I just don't see any change from dead center on the 1010 scale. Like most of the reloaders I know, we have bunches of powder measures we no longer use. As we find something better we put the old one away, never gets used again.
Here's a deal for ya

One of you "Chargemaster" guys meet me at the range. We'll load five with weighed charges and five from a powder drop...over and over. I'll hand you the rounds such that you don't know which you are shooting. When the weighed rounds shoot the smaller group I'll give you a dollar. When the dropped rounds shoot smaller you give me two dollars.

We'll use your powder, bullets and choice of load of course to give you the advantage.....

One of you "Chargemaster" guys meet me at the range.
We'll use your powder, bullets and choice of load of course to give you the advantage.....

How's about today? My range, on the mountain just above the Kettlefoot range.

I'll shoot your dropped loads and you shoot my weighed loads. Fair enough?

The WCYB TV Bristol forecast is winds 10-25 and gusts to 35.


That forecast is for the valley and my range is on the mountain top 400 feet above.
A better test

would be to shoot in a tunnel and do it slowly out of a good shooting rail gun. That way, the Human element would be deminished to some degree.While I will agree now that it is possible to throw somewhat consistent charges from measures, I don't see why anyone would want to take a chance on throwing a bad one. I suppose the same could be said of weighing but I believe in what I can see rather than what I don't see.

Of course, Gene Beggs has said on here that he could not see any difference in the shots from thrown charges, as I recall. That said, why wouldn't anyone who was absolutely trying everything they can to win not want to have everything as perfect as they could get it?
would be to shoot in a tunnel and do it slowly out of a good shooting rail gun. That way, the Human element would be deminished to some degree.While I will agree now that it is possible to throw somewhat consistent charges from measures, I don't see why anyone would want to take a chance on throwing a bad one. I suppose the same could be said of weighing but I believe in what I can see rather than what I don't see.

Of course, Gene Beggs has said on here that he could not see any difference in the shots from thrown charges, as I recall. That said, why wouldn't anyone who was absolutely trying everything they can to win not want to have everything as perfect as they could get it?

Pete, you meaning you doubt the integrity of Wilbur and my tests?
the main test we need to see is a comparison of one of the never chambered a barrel engineer's barrel that has a .000000025" runout and a proven benchrest gunsmith's barrel on the same range, same gun, same shooter- chargemaster or not!