Harley Baker wins South Creek IBS group shoot


Harley - Congratulations on your 2gun win this past weekend. You shot well, despite the fast, switchy, windy conditions.
Might I reply and congratulate Harley Baker on his 2 gun win.

Also I would like to say a big thanks to Jason Brown for stepping up to the plate and running a very well run match, including the target crew and kitchen help as this match was run flawless in every shooters eye's.

Jason is new to the Benchrest and has stepped up for a very responsible position in keeping the South Creek Range alive and well for the Benchrest Community.

My hat is off to Jason and his wife Tammy for standing beside him for what he believes.

Thanks Jason keep up the good work.

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Nah!! He was just lucky......"..tee hee...


Seriously, Harley, congratulations.

Those of us who actively shoot competitive benchrest know, love, and respect Harley Baker. Harley is, for sure, one of our most active people when it comes to providing support to new, or even older shooters. Fortunately, we have several others willing to help in any way they can.

If you think about "helpful", thank the guys and gals who do the thankless job of providing registered matches to shoot in.

Thanks all.

Yes Sir! I don't know much any more but if there was a danger that the range stopped shooting Benchrest, and Jason Brown kept it from happening....GOOD DEAL JASON!!!

Congratulations Harvey!