Hard bolt lift on 30BR

Now Al,
I've been the Kelbly's route, The die they provide to match up with their chamber is "Mondo" aggressive. Yes, it works,but is it too much ? Greg talks about "perfect fit" ? On the same note, Is a 1.525 .035fb chamber "state of the art"? Greg, Jim ?
Joel, now you've nailed a key point.... :)

"Perfect fit" varies according to stuff like tenon diameter, operator proficiency, brand and amount of lube used, temperature and about a dozen other variables. I know and I believe Greg knows that "when it's all working" brass growth isn't an issue.

Getting it working and keeping it working is kinda' like tuning ;)

edit... (((( BTW I'll also go out on a shakey limb here and opine that were Greg to think back about that 220 Swift, there was more going on there than just the hotrod round. I've gotten 220's to operate just like many others, certainly better than the 22-250. But it takes lots of time and money. I'll venture a guess that the aforementioned 220 wasn't using fitted dies f'rinstance.....))))

Kelbly's is in a difficult position. In the end it's largely an operator function GIVEN perfect fit...... IMO Kelbly's goes with what pleases the most of their clientele. I've been a gunsmith, swore off it. The reason? EVERYBODY thinks they've got it figgered out..and they'll happily blame everyone but themselves when their idea'rs don't work. As you've probably noticed I get all fired up about people sending back barrels/guns/scopes etc to get them "fixed" because 99% of the time it's operator error.

Getting good results from resizing gear is "brutally simple" to use Jackie's term. Keep fixing it until it works.

Or STOP wherever you're happy.

In my world the only thing that speaks is results.

Once I've spent my money I don't care about feelings or names or reputations, I've used a large percentage of them. Nowadays often mix and match... I started down this road 20yrs ago when my financial situation began to allow it. I had packages built by 3 different people and spent days on the phone with dozens of them. I've found wild disparities between various people's ideas but one pattern emerged, a bunch of different people can make winning packages BUT THEY DON'T ALL DO IT THE SAME!

And all are hampered by the skill quotient of the end user. And I don't mean shooting skill.

As far as "state of the art" I don't have an opinion except that I don't favor the combination you list.

Which is worth exactly NUTTIN :)

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Hey GG, let's get one thing really straight...... I hate to burst your silly liddle bubble but my NBRSA number is N 85553 NW since this fillip of information seems meaningful to you.

We can disagree but don't accuse me of lying.

The answer is and has always been "would not" not could not.

You seem the type of personality who's so used to getting the world come to you on your terms that you make all sorts of wild assumptions when people don't react as you'd like them to. Bummer.

Sorry, I don't do well with bullies.

Nor did I refer to "large amounts of wood," I said "inordinate amounts of wood." There is a real difference. I've won more wood than the number of matches I've attended, that's "inordinate," you might want to look it up. My equipment works well enough to have earned me I dunno, maybe 10 plaques??? I'd have to look. I've always represented myself as exactly what I am, a backyard experimentor. But I do enjoy the comp when I can get it. The local competitive field is small but of high quality, I've enjoyed shooting with them.

Ohhh, if this would make you happier I did get my picture in Precision Shooting back about 2000 when (with little help from me!) Lee Euber's team won the IBS BR School championship.


Greg does allude to the perfect fit (post 25 paragraph 6 or so) but it dosn't matter because I burn't a perfectly good pound of fresh green beans on the stove while I was dealing with you guys. Now I gotta go micro wave a 5 day old potato,see what happens when we lose track of what really matters ?
Brass does flow in all of my guns,but it's nothin I cant clean up in less time than it takes to talk about it or burn my beans. You bastards !
Well my eggs, bacon and white gravy over biscuits got cold because I was trying to type with rubber gloves on...... I'm final sanding my Heavy gun stock.......

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