Hall of Fame Points


Geary Koglin

Not that I will ever need it, but how are Hall of Fame points awarded? I know that they are awarded only at the National competition level.

Geary Koglin
IBS and NBRSA 100/200 Yard Championships. 1 point for each yardage win, two points for each grand win, 2 points for 3 gun win
Classes that count:
Light Varmint
Heavy Varmint
No points for Two Gun or Four Gun

They are awarded for the IBS and NBRSA Nationals only and only to the winners. I believe it is one point for an agg. win, 2 points for the Grand and 2 points for the 3 gun. I stand to be corrected. The Hall of Fame is not part of the IBS or the NBRSA. It is handled by Rex Reneau independent of the associations. I think it works fine. You really have to be good to acquire points.
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Not that I will ever need it, but how are Hall of Fame points awarded? I know that they are awarded only at the National competition level.

Geary Koglin

as in all the disciplines, I think, ONLY by Nationals wins. The only thing I would say might be needed is a recognition of record performance in the group discipline. There is that recognition in score.

I'm with you Goodgrouper, however, I have found a few things in Benchrest over the last 4 years that don't really make much sense. I'm sure there is some STORY behind the way things come about, but that doesn't make them right. Maybe there should only be 3 guns > what good is the sporter these days? On the other side of the coin > what would we do with a weekend of shooting with only 1 gun? LV-HV and Unlimited-SPORTER with the sporter removed? And all of that would require "CHANGE" which is a four letter word to most. I will do whatever I have to, too compete. I am thankful that we have IBS and NBRSA to allow us to challenge ourselves at such a high level.
There was no 4 Gun when the HOF was formed. The organization of HOF decided to keep it on the same basis as it has always been-right or wrong.

IBS did away with Sporter for 1983-1984 and 1985. The three Gun was HB, HV and LV. Did it through membership rule change because the "Sporter" was an un-necessary class. Yep-it went over so well that IBS Championships went from 150 plus folks to 50 in those three years. Then things got changed back to the original program and the attendance went back up.

Sometimes what theoretically makes perfect sense-does not go over well with those that actually travel to the Championships!!!

Halls of Fame

I have not paid much attention to HOF stuff because there never was one that applied to the Score side of IBS and that is where most of my shooting activities have been over the past decade.

IBS recently instituted a HOF for Score Shooting and is using the same sort of format for for Score as the Group folks have, using only Nationals results I think.

My thinking goes in a little different direction on this issue. From what I have seen over the past few years, the people we are attracting to Sore Shooting, at least, seem to pretty much be retired folks. Most retired folks don't have much of a time horizon with regard to a shooting career.

To that end, it seemed to me more reasonable to include other shooting success in the mix to attain HOF status. My thinking goes to award points for State Titles and Records set, along with Nationals wins.

Interestingly enough, I was reading the rules for IR 50/50 the other day and the last page outlines the paramaters for induction to their HOF. It pretty much goes in the direction my thinking went. I believe the Threshold for Induction is higher but the oportunity to get there is greater.

In two decades, who is going to know anyone or be able to associate the name of anyone currently in the HOF's with their face? IMHO, HOF's should be more about the living and those here now and for a few more years.
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Well, if one applies oneself and is so inclined, one can get into a Hall Of Fame in a matter of three weeks as Perry Morton did a few years back. He won everything at the NBRSA and the IBS Group Nationals. Others have done it in very short periods as well. So, it doesn't necessarily take a lifetime. There aren't regions in the IBS but the NBRSA has them and at least two of those regions, the Eastern and the Southeastern, have their own Halls Of Fame. One could start a State Hall Of Fame. I was thinking of starting one for Gibbons Road in Jeddo. Don't you have to be retired to get into the Baseball and the Football Halls Of Fame? I think the Score Hall Of Fame can parallel the Group one and not stir too many feathers. It's supposed to be tough to get into a hall. One can start a Hall Of Mediocrity if one is so inclined.

Depends on what the meaning of Tough is or is it what is is?
I like the thinking here. What about regional HOF, we do have regions. For those no quite retired yet getting to the Natl's can be tough. Just some brainstorming!
Thanks Jim B. Thats a great reason to have sporters! Got to have memberships!! Maybe make sporters something other than 6 PPC, like .22 or smaller. It would be nice to increase membership in both organizations. I let a guy from Weatherby shoot my bench rifle today > the look on his face > priceless!
I like the thinking here. What about regional HOF, we do have regions. For those no quite retired yet getting to the Natl's can be tough. Just some brainstorming!
Thanks Jim B. Thats a great reason to have sporters! Got to have memberships!! Maybe make sporters something other than 6 PPC, like .22 or smaller. It would be nice to increase membership in both organizations. I let a guy from Weatherby shoot my bench rifle today > the look on his face > priceless!

Ever hear the expression, Humans, especially older ones, don't like change?
Ever hear the expression "If it ain't broke?????"

Finally Francis, something that I can aspire to. "The Hall of Mediocity". I'm a cinch to be in on the first ballot..........jackie
Finally Francis, something that I can aspire to. "The Hall of Mediocity". I'm a cinch to be in on the first ballot..........jackie

You're gonna have a lot of company Jackie.

Just to belabor this subject a bit more, There are monuments and pictures of former racers in various places around here in Daytona. 99.7 percent of everyone who looks at them has no idea who they were or what they did to be on that monument or their picture hung. In the end it is simply Dust in the Wind. Call it whatever you want but 20 years from now nobody reading this will give a damn or know any of us, so what's the point?
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Hot damn we're great!

Pete and Jackie, Both of you are far too modest. You have trod with the giants and have left your footprints on the earth. Rent the movie Chariots of Fire. No one remembers their names but while they were living they excelled and we and future generations could learn from them and us. We are an elite and compete with the elite. We do not need our pictures on the wall. We have the camaraderie and cheers of our peers. It is an honor to be included in such a bunch. Tim
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The proper term in Government speak is "If it ain't broke, fix it till it is"
Well - - -

I just looked at my Chinese watch to find out what the date was. I noticed it said the 16th. I had expected it to say the 15 th but clearly it said the 16th. I set about correcting it only to have it say the 16 th again. I cranked er around one mo time and much to my surprise, the 16th comes twiste a month on this particular watch!!:). ( I quit buying spendy watches because I am forever scrathing them up when thrusting them into mufflers, tail pipes, alternators and the like) :(

The reason I looked for the date was to see if we have gone far enough through Winter to back down off some of those questions that make the winter a lot more fun and tollerable. We can focus now on getting ready for the shooting season, changeing the oil in our bolts, etc. We have had a pretty good discussion this winter of what could and never will be. Keeps our minds active, what little is left of some of ours :).
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Pete, if one were to include State Championships into the points race (more a snail crawl for me) you would need a minimum number of competitors, or something to gauge the talent to make it notable enough for Hall of Fame points. I don't think winning a State Championship with 10 shooters is all that endearing unless of course you have both Euber boys, a couple of Llewellings, add a Drake/Apple/Breeden, toss a Borden and Long, etc. That nine is a challenge regardless of others. I humbly apologize if I slighted anyone, I could only have 9 people if I was going to have a shoot of ten people and still be able to participate. :) I could have added a Wooten, Stodsgill, France, Entekin, Rivers,.... I guess I will quit while the quitting is good! Randy J.
I like the thinking here. What about regional HOF, we do have regions. For those no quite retired yet getting to the Natl's can be tough. Just some brainstorming!
Thanks Jim B. Thats a great reason to have sporters! Got to have memberships!! Maybe make sporters something other than 6 PPC, like .22 or smaller. It would be nice to increase membership in both organizations. I let a guy from Weatherby shoot my bench rifle today > the look on his face > priceless!

The NBRSA Southeastern region does maintain a Hall of fame. points are awarded by regional wins in a similar fashion to the National HOF. Visit the NBRSA website and click on Southeast at the top of the page for details.

Scott Roeder
What mark on our sport do they leave that is worthy of such high recognition?
In reference to Petes statement on who's statue is that ? .. I and may of us will remember the names of those that have left the greatest impression on us . The legends .. ones who have helped others and brought changes to equipment that led our goals of better accuracy to a higher level. Many of whom most likely will not be on the list in the Hall .. But have left their own marks on this sport for us to pass on. There are no rewards or points for people like that. The highest reward I can imagine for them is remembering their actions, not their scores.

Andy B