H4198 Availability



I'm finding that places are out of Hodgdon H4198. Does anyone know who has H4198 in the 8 pound jugs?

I just recieved three 8 pound jugs from Bruno's.......jackie

They are out now so I'm still looking. However, I'm curious what you are up to buying 4198..... Are you moving over to the "dark side"?


I am a closet 30 cal shooter. I build a Rifle, shoot it a lot, and then let someone else use it in our Club Matches.

So far, my efforts have been with my 30PPC. But I have a 1-17 Krieger, a new reamer from Dave Kiff that will utilize the full length 30BR Case, have my dies made, and just happen to have an extra bolt for one of my Farley HV's that has a 308 bolt face. I was going to put it all together this week, but got side tracked when I cut the end off my finger.

I got 24 pounds of 4198 from Bruno. But we start our Registered Match Season in a few weeks, and I am not ready.

My main goal is the IBS Registered VFS Match in Denton the 2d week end in Oct. I figure that will be worth putting something together for........jackie

I got your e-mail, which is a miracle.

I bought a big Hewlet Packard lap top, and had Geeks on Call set it up with every amaginable anti-viral protection. The only problem is, it blocks about 2/3 of the e-mails I get.

I need to take it back and have them re-do it.........jackie