Gun handling question.


New member
Ive gotten back into 100/200 benchrest after a 20 yr coffee break. Things have changed quite a bit. I have some fundamental questions that would help some.
One thing for sure is the stock geometry has really evolved. I have an older more traditional (roundish) geometry glass stock on a Hall M action. I also have a newer style Speedy stock on a Panda action that is real low and more squared off at the buttstock. The older stock design is where my experience is. The question is how to shoot/bench technique/ the newer Speedy stock? Does this kind of stock tolerate thumbing or bag squeezing or is it more a free recoil design? Do shooters thumb these more recent stocks or even hard hold them?
Can I get away with an older style rabbit ear bag with the newer design? I have a 3 stitch Protector but I think its causing vertical especially free recoil with the older design stock hitting the top of the bag and not so much on the ears. (make sense)?
The newer stock will ride the 3 stitch a lil better but requires thumb pressure due to vertical? I think?? lol.
I’m sure others will chime in here but, IMHO with the advent of any type of joystick front, buttstocks with flat bottoms and bags with ear spacing to fit them properly, bag squeezing, generally, bad juju.
The Speedy stock is nice, I have one, everything is low center of simply comes straight back/down.
Some guys pinch trigger/guard, I go with barely touching thumb above it with face barely making contact. Shoulder about 1”” or less behind gun. Pretty much free recoil.
Lastly most these days are using ejector guns of one type or other, I guess most common would be RBLP right eject.
Not a lot of true pickers left out there especially @200 yds. That’s where these setups come into their own.
I’m sure others will chime in here but, IMHO with the advent of any type of joystick front, buttstocks with flat bottoms and bags with ear spacing to fit them properly, bag squeezing, generally, bad juju.
The Speedy stock is nice, I have one, everything is low center of simply comes straight back/down.
Some guys pinch trigger/guard, I go with barely touching thumb above it with face barely making contact. Shoulder about 1”” or less behind gun. Pretty much free recoil.
Lastly most these days are using ejector guns of one type or other, I guess most common would be RBLP right eject.
Not a lot of true pickers left out there especially @200 yds. That’s where these setups come into their own.

Tim: Do you know of a specific rear bag that fits the Speedy stock properly?
Tim: Do you know of a specific rear bag that fits the Speedy stock properly?

Plenty around. Make sure the ears are spaced 1/2” apart.
For years used an Edgewood, now a Lenzi from PMA.

Whatever you get don’t fill it too hard, need a bit of give or they can get bouncy.