Gulf Coast 2 Gun,UNL and Heavy Varmint,Seymour,Tx 6/14-6/15, 2014

Chism G

Active member
Gulf Coast Unlimited(10 shot) and Heavy varmint,at Seymour,Tx

This shoot is without a doubt,one of the most popular registered competitions in the Gulf Coast Region,simply because its held in Seymour,Tx. You would have to come to Seymour,Tx to understand why we like it so much.

We came back to Seymour,Tx to test our skills against some persistently challenging conditions. Many of us were still licking our wounds from the previous match held at Seymour,Tx about a Month ago.

As expected ,not much had changed. This is west Texas. We were greeted with gusting winds that didn’t let up all weekend. Charles “Huck” Huckeba. Won the two gun. A hard earned victory to say the least.

Gulf Coast 2 Gun(Regional)

Charles Huckeba .2869
Larry Baggett .3060
John Horn .3415
Gary Bristow .3505
Gary Walters .3612
Turk Takano .3814
Dickie Pustejovsky .3916
Tommy long .3977
Sam Arnett .4315
Doug Penttinen .4318

Gulf Coast 4 Gun (Regional) Seymour and NTSA Lv/SP combined

Gary Walters .3335
Gary Bristow .3521
Tommy Long .3550
Dickie Pustejovsky .3601
Doug Penttinen .3943
Joe Kubon .4146
Ron Sewell .4520
Darryl Whitman .5002
Wendell Rhodes .5721

Our match director this weekend was Dr Tim Oltersdorf. Dr Tim has been on loan from the Outpatient department at Old Parkland Hospital for the last two Gulf Coast Region Matches:). The Good Doctor received a surprise award of “Match Director of the year”, at the awards ceremony, In recognition for Sustained Superior performance,during his volunteer services.:D

A special thanks go to Match hosts John Horn and Scott Hunter for making this match possible. The energy and effort that goes into organizing these matches does not and should not go unnoticed by attendees.

I'm certain that Your continued support is appreciated by John, Scott and the Seymour Stool shooters association, at Seymour,Tx.

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Match Director Oltersdorf

Great shooting Gary! Congratulations. You Got Er Done.

Glad to see you got the two gun Sir Charles.

What a match Director!

"Seymour On The Hill Texas"

As my buddy and shooting friend said it was a hard fought match at times to just keep um on the paper but for those guys in the photos and several others they mastered it all weekend. And also you do need to come to Seymour to appreciate what a GREAT time we have in a small big hearted Texas town..

Dr. Tim did a awesome job calling this match as well as our last one in Denton, Texas. He even came up with a incentive give-a-way for small group after each match that kept everybody laughing from the very first empty Crown Royal bag to the last one given out.. It was the funniest, smallest item that turned out to a lot of fun and to hear the way Dr. Tim handed them out was "Priceless".

Hats off to the shooters, John & Scott, the target crew (Who almost got to use a "RAPTOR" to retrieve targets), the scoring team..

All in all as Glenn mentioned it is one of our most favorite places to shoot no matter the conditions and favorite places to get together with everyone for dinners and motel room filled with plenty of story telling, I wish I would have's and why did I do that...

Until next year in Seymour............"Keep Burning The Powder"
Congratulations to Gary and Sir Charles on your Victories!

It's great to see you guys do so well.

Gary winning the 4 gun! :cool:

Charles taking the 2 Gun!

Way to go!

I am out of bags.

Since my alarmingly large collection of crown royal bags is depleted I will be retiring as range master. I am healed enough that I will try to shoot again in Denton. I do admit that being range master has its allure. Sitting on the throne of power with a microphone in your hand, free of petty social restraints, you can unleash the inner you. I would recommend the experience to my fellow gulf coast shooters knowing full well that the "inner you" of most of them would be warped at best. Tim
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Dr. Tim & the Thrown of Power


I sure am glad that you were very careful on your wording about what you had in your hand while on the "Thrown of Power"...................LOl You had me worried for a minute ....

See you in Denton...
Since my alarmingly large collection of crown royal bags is depleted I will be retiring as range master. I am healed enough that I will try to shoot again in Denton. I do admit that being range master has its allure. Sitting on the throne of power with a microphone in your hand, free of petty social restraints, you can unleash the inner you. I would recommend the experience to my fellow gulf coast shooters knowing full well that the "inner you" of most of them would be warped at best. Tim

Dr T, don't let the throne of power go to your head...however...with legs like that you could get another day job.
(bouncing baby elephants??)