Gross hunting tip for the rut!

a joke

A young man about to be married asked his dad if he had any advise to
offer. Dad thinking on this for a moment replied "why yes son, there is".
" when your mom and I married, I took her to the hotel and took my
pants off and told your mom to put them on" she replied" there to big, I
can't wear them" I told her that was right and that she should remember
that I wear the pants in this family" the son in responce reply's" Dad,
that sounds good, I'll do just that." The new bride and groom , now
in the hotel room and the groom takes his pants of and tells his beloved
" here, put these on" she did and said gee there big.I can't wear them.
" remember that dear, I will wear the pants in our family" The bride in
all her loveliness takes off her panties and handing them to her husband
said hear, put these on. the husband , holding them up. says, "gee, I'll
never get in these" thats right says the wife, "and with that attitude,
you never will"
A young man about to be married asked his dad if he had any advise to
offer. Dad thinking on this for a moment replied "why yes son, there is".
" when your mom and I married, I took her to the hotel and took my
pants off and told your mom to put them on" she replied" there to big, I
can't wear them" I told her that was right and that she should remember
that I wear the pants in this family" the son in responce reply's" Dad,
that sounds good, I'll do just that." The new bride and groom , now
in the hotel room and the groom takes his pants of and tells his beloved
" here, put these on" she did and said gee there big.I can't wear them.
" remember that dear, I will wear the pants in our family" The bride in
all her loveliness takes off her panties and handing them to her husband
said hear, put these on. the husband , holding them up. says, "gee, I'll
never get in these" thats right says the wife, "and with that attitude,
you never will"

A lot of truth in that joke......:(
Told my wife about this thread and she started to laugh...she says: "and they don't want hunting pictures with dead animals??"


Told my wife about this thread and she started to laugh...she says: "and they don't want hunting pictures with dead animals??"




Back in the day some of us got away with fishes.... and I remember some dead birds. Schucks.... just last week there was dead birds! But then Julia Childs gets away with dead birds. But ANIMALS.... ohh no :D .... could be BLOOD in there and that would be GROSS!

In this PC world we're heading for I'm guessing that soon enough the sport of fly shooting (and the pix thereof... 'The Horror! The Horror!') will be "The Sport Formerly Known As Fly Shooting" and even then match reports can't include graphic pictures of flypaper guts...

Somehow we MUST disassociate blood and guts and guns and knives and......

We ARE our own worst enemy........

Luckily our women are stepping into the breach! :)

Thank all that have responded to this thread, I have been confused by what this meant at the title for this thread. "Firearms topics not related to Benchrest" I guess this means I can now add a red wing patch to my shooting jacket. I somehow feel more at home with the bikers for some reason.:D