Got My Wife A New Glock 27 For Her Birthday

I'm pretty much a revolver guy. My go everywhere gun is a Chief's Special in 38 Special....handy, light, simple and it always works. Pull the trigger until it goes 'click', put 5 more in and repeat. :)

But there's something about a nice .45 Auto that just seems right so a new Remington 1911 found it's way to my house. Those slab sides just feel good in the hand.

In a crazy, unpredictable world, it's kind of like carrying a spare tire in your trunk. Most of the time you will never need it, but when you do you're screwed without it.

But, the spare tire doesn't require my daily attention. As for "when you do [need it] you're screwed without it," I guess that logic is okay, but there are other aspects of life for which I'm not always prepared.

Some questions for the concealed carry guys:

1. Do y'all treat your gun sort of like your shoes and socks -- put it on when you get dressed? Or treat it like your car/truck keys -- put it in your pocket whenever you leave the house?

2. What do you do with you gun when you have to go to a no-gun building? Do you leave it in your car/truck and walk down the street unprotected?

3. Do you carry other necessities (e.g., a roll of toilet paper) with you for an emergency?
Jerry, if folks hope to avoid being listed in such a database I assume they've never bought a hunting license.

BTW, I hope to see you at River Bend next year.

Love River Bend, just hate to get there 2 weeks early to have a place to park!

I'll try again.

But, the spare tire doesn't require my daily attention. As for "when you do [need it] you're screwed without it," I guess that logic is okay, but there are other aspects of life for which I'm not always prepared.

Some questions for the concealed carry guys:

1. Do y'all treat your gun sort of like your shoes and socks -- put it on when you get dressed? Or treat it like your car/truck keys -- put it in your pocket whenever you leave the house?

2. What do you do with you gun when you have to go to a no-gun building? Do you leave it in your car/truck and walk down the street unprotected?

3. Do you carry other necessities (e.g., a roll of toilet paper) with you for an emergency?

I do not have a CHL. My Wife does. She takes it very seriously. As a woman, she knows that she is vulnerable in ways that a man does not understand.

The toilet paper remark gives me the impression that you do not feel comfortable with law abiding citizens being armed under the law. My wife knows the law, she understands that there are places that by State Law she can not be armed. But in Texas, they are few and far between. It is the duty of a citizen who has a CHL to use common sense and understand that with the right to carry, comes the responsibility to Know it's limitations.

I understand that there are people in the Country that have different views on guns, the 2d Amendment, and even a citizen's right to defend themselves under dire circumstances. My view on this is that these people have just as much right to not own firearms, not be armed, and to rely 100 percent in the hope that if they ever face a dire circumstance that could result in great harm, that the police or some other government authority will be there to save them.

I started this thread with sort of a light hearted bent. But make no mistake, my Wife knows that deciding to carry a weapon for defense is deadly serious business. With the right, comes the responsibility to always be cognizant of what the consequences of your actions can bring.
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I check my spare tire weekely for inflation and that the lowering mechanism isn't frozen. I live in a climate with harsh winters and salted roads so mechanical mechanisms can freeze up. If I didn't I could be screwed even with the tire. Answers to the other questions are too personal to answer, but I follow our state law. I have a ccw permit but in Maine now we have a constitutional carry law that allows anyone who isn't prohibited by law to carry. No blood in the streets!
in spite of Al's argument to the contrary, I'm not convinced that the background-check records are off-limits to the community organizer and his sidekicks.


When a FFL dealer goes out of business he's required to send his bound book and 4473 forms to the BATF. I've heard of dealers sending those records in after running them through a shredder. Seems reasonable, but risky to me.
I know one dealer that tried for 2 years to give them his records. They begged him to burn them and they wouldnt take em under any circumstance. He went out of business in 97 and still has those records up in his attic in bankers boxes
I do not have a CHL. My Wife does. She takes it very seriously. As a woman, she knows that she is vulnerable in ways that a man does not understand.

The toilet paper remark gives me the impression that you do not feel comfortable with law abiding citizens being armed under the law.

I agree that a woman is probably more vulnerable than a man, and I've always been puzzled over guys carrying a gun and not insisting that their wife carry also.

As for the "do not feel comfortable" impression, at times, I do wonder about the motives of folks who open carry. My point with the toilet paper remark is, why hassle with carrying a gun all the time if you don't make a special effort to try to protect yourself from whatever circumstances that might come your way, at any time?
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I agree that a woman is probably more vulnerable than a man, and I've always been puzzled over guys carrying a gun and not insisting that their wife carry also.

As for the "do not feel comfortable" impression, at times, I do wonder about the motives of folks who open carry. My point with the toilet paper remark is, why hassle with carrying a gun all the time if you don't make a special effort to try to protect yourself from whatever circumstances that might come your way, at any time?

Open carry is a different thing.

I made the statement that CHL holders should always use common sense when exercising the right that a State has confirmed. Regardless of my beliefs, or any bodies, there are those that feel uncomfortable around firearms, and feel uneasy sitting in a public place where a person, who is not in uniform or in any other way does not have the look of a peace officer, has a weapon out in the open.

Even though The State of Texas now says that as of Jan 2016, CHL will change to simply HL, there is little reason to flaunt a firearm in a way that might make others feel uneasy, or frightened.

The biggest benefit to the removing of the "concealed" portion of the law is it takes away that breaking of the law in the event that a person with a CHL accidentally let the weapon become exposed.

The State of Texas induced some common sense into the whole thing, let us, as gun owners, do the same.
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Love River Bend, just hate to get there 2 weeks early to have a place to park!

I'll try again.


If you need the whole parking area to park? 2 weeks early a little bit of how big was that fish, Jerry? I got there on Wed. and didn't have a problem parking, but then again, I am just hauling a little cargo trailer. If you want to play, you know the camping situation. You can't leave on Friday and expect to have a reserved parking spot Jerry, or maybe you can. My best guess is your didn't want to go = still hooked up to the bass boat.:rolleyes:

Sorry Bud
Let the sparks
If you need the whole parking area to park? 2 weeks early a little bit of how big was that fish, Jerry? I got there on Wed. and didn't have a problem parking, but then again, I am just hauling a little cargo trailer. If you want to play, you know the camping situation. You can't leave on Friday and expect to have a reserved parking spot Jerry, or maybe you can. My best guess is your didn't want to go = still hooked up to the bass boat.:rolleyes:

Sorry Bud
Let the sparks

Dan, why do you have to be such an ass??

When my mother wanted to learn to shoot a pocket pistol, get her CHL and carry i just asked her one thing- if a cat came up to her wanting her purse and had a knife or gun would you be able to shoot him right square in the face multiple times and not think twice about it? She said no and i said if you have it and are not prepared to kill the hell out of a punk then hes just gonna take it away from you and use it. I still ask her every time i see her if shes ready to carry yet. So yall may wanna think about all that before you push somebody to carry a piece for their own protection.
Dan, why do you have to be such an ass??

Sorry Jerry, and I didn't even call you a whining old F--K. I guess I hit a nerve, you must have been having a bad day.:D

Maybe I should have asked, why do you have to be such a cantankerous old fart? :eek:

Geez Jerry, no more home made apply pie for you. )chill(
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'Self Preservation is the first Law of nature" Some feel a need to be prepared. Some Don't. Its a personal choice.

Sorry Jerry, and I didn't even call you a whining old F--K. I guess I hit a nerve, you must have been having a bad day.:D

Maybe I should have asked, why do you have to be such a cantankerous old fart? :eek:

Geez Jerry, no more home made apply pie for you. )chill(

I have to go with? I forget where I was going with this, EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!