"Good News" Crawfish Match April 18th & 19th


Gary Walters

The Tomball Gun Club has approved Camping Thursday, Friday and Saturday night.

We are limited to 75 shooters as only 25 benches are available with 3 relays. For those of you that would like to show-up Thursday, you will be able to camp and do some shooting as well. I will be at the range Thursday and Friday. If you have any questions, call me.

The Boy Scouts plan on doing a Fish Fry over the weekend.

Thanks...............GW (936-856-4890)
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Someone Please Contact

Ray Porter, Dusty Stevens, Sam Arnett and others. Tell them that they can camp out on thurs night......:)
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What happens if more than 75 show up? Unless Mr. President "O" manages to claim my gun before then, I plan on participating. I need to wear the "new" off of my equipment.

What happens if more than 75 show up? Unless Mr. President "O" manages to claim my gun before then, I plan on participating. I need to wear the "new" off of my equipment.



Sign up early Fri morning......
I have a lot of work to do between now and then. I got some new additions to my setup and I'll be spending a lot of time tweaking, getting to know, and screwing up. Go the new Butch-top, a good Edgewood rear bag (heavy sand), my brass is looking good, do need to get more powder, good on bullets and priimers, range table tweaked abot right (until Gary tell me what a mess it is)....etc. Oh yea, tat weekend is my b-day (4/18/59). Looking forward to it.

If I can get a set of windflags then I might be able to make it to the match. I'll get on the NBRSA website this weekend sometime and become a member.

You dont need flags. There will be plenty. I have a set of good flags and have never used them at match as of yet.....

As Vic said, you will not need a set of flags. We will surely have three relays, so you will share a bench with shooters who will have flags.

The problem at many matches is too many flags. One set in front of each bench is plenty, besides, you will be looking at the entire field at times.

At matches such as this, many friends team up on a bench, that way they are insured having a set of flags that both, or three, are comfortable with.

The only time two sets of flags are warranted is if you happen to be teamed with a Left Handed Shooter. It is difficult to have an ideal flag positioning for a lefty and and a righty. Usually, the left hander will set his where they are needed.........jackie
tight spot for me

three matches that weekend. i dont know what to do [but i wont stay home]
i griped about tomball and have to show up sometime
i promised to go rachels glen last year
st louis is closer to me [by half]

any bribes out there? crawfish maybe? glen -turn the heat!-
tight spot for me

three matches that weekend. i dont know what to do [but i wont stay home]
i griped about tomball and have to show up sometime
i promised to go rachels glen last year
st louis is closer to me [by half]

any bribes out there? crawfish maybe? glen -turn the heat!-
Hey Ray

Sounds like your fishing for an "appearance fee"! Hold out for a least a couple of bags of horse feed and a new lead rope!

Good luck, but hope you chose Rachel Glen.
I need to know how the weigh-in works. My rifle is good to go for HV, no prob. I'm still working on a few items to ensure it's good to go for LV. All I have is my scale and it's saying dead nuts on 10.5-lbs, but I realize all scales are not created equal. I'd prefer to shoot LV and HV, but if I miss the mark by an ounce or two, can I shoot just HV..? I have ALL my gear ready to roll. Have been working on correctling bad shooting habits. It's gettin' close.



You can shoot a single class. At Tomball, we shoot one complete class per day.

At some Matches, the club will choose to shoot the 100 yard legs of both classes on Saturday, and the 200 yard leg Sunday. They do this so they do not have to move the target frames but once. This, of course, prohibits a shooter who can just attend one day from competing for a Grand Agg.

But, we will shoot LV on Sat, and HV on Sunday..........jackie