Good Bore Guide for a 3-lug



Hello Guy's,
can anyone tell me what a good Bore Guide for a 3-lug Bat? Thanks Kevin
Thanks for the info Guys. This answers my question
bore guides

If their's is better than Mike Lucas's bore guides they must be better than snuff but not as dusty but (I doubt it)
Bore Guide for BAT 3-lug

I seldom participate in these suggestions, but its cold and i just can't resist.

The Barrel Saver bore guide is a truly COSTLY precision bore protection device for COSTLY match grade barrels. The Barrel Saver is made as good a possible, not just 'good enough to get by' or as cheap as the next guy's. There are more than 80 machining operations required to make Barrel Saver, not even counting the precision centerless grinding of the lifetime stainless steel tubes. The old adage, "you get what you pay for is at work here. Most of the truly successful shooters in centerfire benchrest use the Barrel Saver. And, yes most of them had them tried a cheaper product before the switched to the Barrel Saver!
I seldom

participate eiither. However, I am a user of TK's Barrel Saver and once you've had one you will never go back to another type of bore guide.
well, now T.K........

I seldom participate in these suggestions, but its cold and i just can't resist.

The Barrel Saver bore guide is a truly COSTLY precision bore protection device for COSTLY match grade barrels. The Barrel Saver is made as good a possible, not just 'good enough to get by' or as cheap as the next guy's. There are more than 80 machining operations required to make Barrel Saver, not even counting the precision centerless grinding of the lifetime stainless steel tubes. The old adage, "you get what you pay for is at work here. Most of the truly successful shooters in centerfire benchrest use the Barrel Saver. And, yes most of them had them tried a cheaper product before the switched to the Barrel Saver!

as a customer, I can say that your product is good. But there is more than one way to skin a cat.

I had tried many other

bore guides before I got the barrel saver. They are worth every penny. I don't mind paying for craftsmanship. Some don't realize how important it is to save the throat area of the bbl. Run a bore scope through a bbl and you might be surprized what you see.
I have used several different ones Mike Lucas is the best ive found,great guyto do busness with.Kenny