Getting 22 Ammo In California

Not really.. remember what state and who wrote it

The 50 round a month applied only to transfers of ammo between two unlicensed parties, such as you giving or receiving 51 rounds of ammo with a friend at the range. That part was stricken from the bill.

If you good info on the bill, see, and go to the Politics and Laws sub-forum.

- Phil
Everyone in Kalifornia has the right to vote, and they did.

I would say the MAJORITY of Kalifornians did it to all of us (by voting how they do). I, and many others certainly don't vote people in that are so hostile to gun rights.

A substantial portion of California, geographically, votes Republican. But that is not enough to overcome the uber-liberal high population centers around San Francisco, Los Angeles, and southern coast.

Still, the state is in real trouble for gun rights. Look at the governor's race. Tom Campbell - R is NOT friendly to gun rights. I can send his position. He said he would have signed AB962 (deal killer for me). Meg Whitman is done, she gave $4,000 to Barbara Boxer some years ago. With that, even Jerry Brown begins to looks OK.

- Phil
I live in Ca.
I plan to make a trip or two a year to the gun shows in AZ , weigh down the truck and head back . Nothing in the bill about that.
Just bear in mind there will be a LOT of Californians there. - Phil

I live in Ca.
I plan to make a trip or two a year to the gun shows in AZ , weigh down the truck and head back . Nothing in the bill about that.

Do they still stop you on the side of the road and ask about fruit and vegetables when you enter California? Are they going to ask about guns and ammo now?

What will the state of California do to me if I, a Texas residence, send a few boxes of Eley Tenex to a friend in California? Well then how about a case?

Concho Bill

I think an AMMO Wharehouse in Reno NV or other stateline town will make some serious cash . All the more reason to make your vote count. As a side note, Minnesota has classified 22lr ammo as pistol ammo as long as I can remember. You can buy rifle/shotgun ammo at 18 yrs age, must be 21 to purchase pistol ammo. My older brother found this out the fall of 68 on leave from Nam. My brother his old school bud and I were going to go squirrel hunting and stopped by the Western gas station to pick up some 22 shells. When the Mngr asked for his ID to prove his age (he was 20 at the time) and told him he had to be 21 I thought my brother was gonna go over the counter (never seen him so pissed EVER), after words were exchanged we were getting in the car and an elderly woman approached and handed my brother 2 boxes of 22 shells and thanking him for his service. that day had a major impact on me. 1) never under estamate the goodness of strangers 2) Life is never going to be fair
Back in the 80's all dealers were required to log all ammo sales for
handgun ammo. This meant anything that could be put in a handgun.
Now the Thompson Center contender was not out yet, but if it was,
the list would have been very long. It could even include.410
shotshells.Commonly used is a very vague term and no doub't will
get someone in trouble. Some DA with a swelled head, common with DA's
would have a circus with that. That law was eventually put away.
Yes ,If you look at the custom/factory barrels available for the T/C Encore/Contender, MOA, XPs etc, what caliber isn't a PISTOL cartridge?
Voter Turn Out

Voter turn out is always low, I think if all persons were registered to vote and did we could take our country back. It seems I've seen the gun owner statitistics for Ca and the numbers have always been sufficient to defeat these liberals if everyone voted. I think it is nessecary for all of us to encourage everyone to vote. I think all of us have heard someone say they dont vote because it doesn't do any good.
Maybe some one with more time can research this and come up with hard data.
Thanks for listening.
Leroy Johnson.
Yes ,If you look at the custom/factory barrels available for the T/C Encore/Contender, MOA, XPs etc, what caliber isn't a PISTOL cartridge?

The new California law, AB962, makes it clear that "handgun ammo" is ammo used PRINCIPALLY in a handgun. The real confusion is over 22LR.

as I said above Minnesota has always treated 22 lr ammo as a handgun round. To me it makes no sense , ( I'm sure there are way more 22 rifles in the state than 22 handguns). The reason as I was told is that BECAUSE it CAN be chambered in a handgun or handguns were manufactured in that caliber that it was classified as such. And the word PRINCIPALLY without a legal definition is not a good thing. Does it mean that if their are X amount of handguns chambered for this particiular caliber that it meets that definition or is it an intended use issue ?
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