Georgia States

Jim Wooten

Just Me
Thanks to all who attended the 2010 Georgia States. We had shooters from 8 states, with a total of 28 shooters.

The range was tricky as usual, but I hope that a good time was had by all. Congrats to Bill Scheider on his win, and to Kim, Allie, and Lee on a well fought SSOY race.


Standing: Lee Euber, Kim Llewellyn
Kneeling: Jim Wooten, Bill Scheider



Thanks, to Jim Wooten and the crew at MGGOA for a great Georgia State, food was good, match well run and relaxing. I know that I had a great time and my traveling companions Rick Fox and John Beauchamp did as well. Well done, hope you have it next year. Congratulations to all the winners, some of you traveled long distances and fought hard to be at the top.

Dan Honert
"Thank you" to you and the people that worked so hard on the Georgia State BR Match. George and I had a good time and everything went well. Congratulation to Bill and all the match winners. Looking foward to next year.
Mims, Fl.
Congrats to Kim, Herby, Wayne, Allie, Lee and all the road warriors. I reaaly can't wrap my head around the commitment it took to attend all the matches you guys have done this year. I don't think I could have done it and I salute you all for your efforts and success. Hope to see you all somewhere next year and you will certainly be welcomed at Gallatin should you choose to come and shoot with us.

Thanks to Jim and all the folks that worked so hard to make the GA State Match special to all of us.

Rick Fox
Thanks to the folks whose efforts made the Georgia State shoot so successful and enjoyable and thanks to all the veterans who helped us rookies get started in the sport. Thanks to Ronnie Long, Mike Lucus, Randy Robinett, Bill Scheider, Bill Dittman, and "the humble one", Henry Rivers. It's been a pleasure to know you and you certainly have helped me. Till next year, E.T. Weaver
Unfortunately, the posted results above did not reflect the fact that one shooter was DQ'ed for an overweight rifle. Here is a copy of the official results.

I sincerely apologize for the confusion this has caused, but I am sure that all shooters involved want a true representation of the results according to the rules. I feel absolutely terrible about this not being noted in the initial post, and accept full responsibility as Match Director.

I hope the shooters involved will understand that this was just human error, but that does not excuse it, or make it any easier for them or for me.



