Georgia: River Bend Gun Club 2016 Public Match Schedule

Jim Andress

River Bend Gun Club
2016 Match Schedule:

January 9 (Sat) Group 100/200
February 13 (Sat) UBR Score 100/200
February 28 (Sun) Group 100/200
March 12 - 13 (Sat-Sun) NBRSA Registered Tournament Group LV/HV 100/200
April 9 (Sat) UBR Score 100/200
May 14 (Sat) Group 100/200
June 11 (Sat) UBR Score 100/200
June 12 (Sun) Group 100/200
July 9 (Sat) Group 100/200
August 13 (Sat) UBR Score 100/200
September 8 - 11 (Thu-Sun) NBRSA Registered SE Regional Group 4-Gun 100/200
October 8 (Sat) UBR Score 100/200
November 12 (Sat) Group 100/200
December 10 (Sat) UBR Score 100/200


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Dec '15 Match Report

We had nine shooters at the 100/200 yard group, club match at River Bend today; the weather was mid-50s and foggy (heavy enough fog to delay the start) when we started shooting and ~ 70° when we finished.

Jim Andress surprised us by paying out money to the winner of each match. Six different guys won matches and Joe Bougard was the "big" winner, taking home money for winning three of the matches (he also won both aggs and ended with a .2011 grand). I can't guarantee that Jim will pay out money at the upcoming club matches; however, if he does it wouldn't surprise me to see an increase in the number of shooters. Come shoot with us, you may win enough money to pay your entry fee and your gas bill. :)

See for more information on upcoming matches.
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We had nine shooters at the 100/200 yard group, club match at River Bend today and Jim Andress surprised us by paying out money to the winner of each match. Six different guys won matches and Joe Bougard was the "big" winner, taking home money for winning three of the matches (he also won both aggs). I can't guarantee that Jim will pay out money at the upcoming club matches; however, if he does it wouldn't surprise me to see an increase in the number of shooters. Come shoot with us, you may win enough money to pay your entry fee and your gas bill. :)

See for more information on upcoming matches.

I'm making plans to be there in February. But even if I won something, it wouldn't begin to even pay for my gas. It's the love of the game.
Rick, regarding paying for your gas, if you got "hot" you might be surprised. :) Look forward to seeing you.

BTW, Jim is trying to get in touch with Danny Hensley about ordering more UBR targets and getting River Bend on the "official" UBR schedule -- he's not having much luck getting in touch with him. I told him to contact you.

Danny can be difficult to reach at times. Tell him to try his cell #, not email. I probably have enough targets to get him started for the season. Give him my # and email address. 615-405-8622

Jan '16 Match Report

We had nine shooters at the 100/200 yard group, club match at River Bend today; the temperature was ~ 52° when we started shootin’ and about the same when we finished.

The shooters included two "newbies" to the club matches: (1) Dickie Land, from Phenix City, AL, who has shot registered matches at River Bend but not the club matches prior to today, and (2) Rob Pridemore, a River Bend club member who shot his first benchrest match today -- with the help of his own private mentor, our esteemed Cook and Bottle Washer, courtesy of post #1 at;. Scott Mims also came up from Montgomery to help Wilbur. It was a real treat having Wilbur and Scott at the match; they both made a real effort to show Rob a good time and I'm impressed with their efforts -- thanks to both of you! Here’s hoping Dickie comes back and shoots with us often, and that Rob gets “hooked” on benchrest shootin’. Pictures are at post # 2 of the the link below.

Jim Andress extended his streak of paying out money to the winner of each match. Four different guys won matches and Scott Dittman was the "big" winner, taking home money for winning four of the matches (he also won the 200 yard agg and the grand agg – the grand agg was a .2619). I can't guarantee that Jim will pay out money at the upcoming club matches; however, if he does it wouldn't surprise me to see an increase in the number of shooters.

The second Saturday in February we’re shooting the UBR score target, come shoot with us -- you may have an opportunity to: (a) shoot against last year’s UBR Modified-Class SSOY, and (2) win enough money to pay your entry fee and your gas bill.

See for more information on upcoming matches.

BTW, this was the first club match in over five-and-a-half years (possibly much longer than that) where no one shot a factory-class rifle.
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River Bend Matches
This is one of the best places to go to a match. Jim Andress and
the Dittmans are Great people . You will truly enjoy everything
that goes on.
Thanks for all yall Do
Dickie Land
Riverbend is my favorite range. This year first match in SE here instead of Shamrock, hope to see you all.
Bill Greene
The Feb 13th shoot (see post #1 above) is now listed as a "Sanctioned" shoot with UBR, see

That means you can earn UBR "Shooter of the Year" points, see, and as I understand the rules, you don't have to be a member of any organization for your scores to count toward UBR records, see

Come shoot with us, and see if you can get your name in the record book, see, and/or beat last year's UBR Modified-Class SSOY -- assuming he's not afraid of shooting at River Bend again.

The Modified Class SSOY gets beat regularly on his home range. He doesn't need to drive 4 hrs to get beat....but he probably will. Also, as it stands currently the Unlimited SSOY and the Factory SSOY as well as the 4 gun SSOY plan to be there.
You guys can get some bragging rights if anyone cares.

Feb '16 Match Report

We had ten shooters at the 100/200 yard UBR match at River Bend today; six in custom class, two in modified, and one each in factory and unlimited. The temperature was ~ 33° when we started shootin’ and ~ 42° when we finished -- it was windy all day. The propane heaters drew a crowd.

The shooters included five UBR regulars from TN and VA: Rick Fox, Danny Hensley, Gary Lawrence, Wayne McNeely, and JR Rigsby. Thanks for making the effort to come shoot with us. Some of the River Bend "regulars" were scared off by the weatherman.

Jim Andress extended his streak of paying out money; today he paid the winner of each class. Scott Dittman had the high score of the day (505), edging JR Rigsby by one point.
Feb '16 Match Report # 2

We had four shooters at the 100/200 yard group, club match at River Bend today; the temperature was ~ 42° when we started shootin’ and about ~ 63° when we finished. All of you who missed today's match missed a nice day to shoot.

Jim Andress extended his streak of paying out money to the winner of each match. Each of the four shooters won matches and Jim Andress was the "big" winner, taking home money for winning three of the matches; he also won both aggs with a .2664 at 100 yards and .5185 at 200 yards, and the grand agg with a .3925. Bryan Griffith shot his personal-best target today, a .115 at 100 yds. -- which was also the best score of the day. I can't guarantee that Jim will pay out money at the upcoming club matches; however, if he does it wouldn't surprise me to see record attendance at future club matches.

The second weekend in March we're shooting a two-day registered match, come shoot with us; you'll have a grand time -- and you may be offered some fine food at no charge.

See for more information on upcoming matches.
Riverbend..says it all. Come and shoot and if you do not have fun then Bart will give you free bullets!
March '16 NBRSA Registered Match

We had 29 shooters today for the 100 yd portion of the Gene Mowell Memorial match at River Bend, including a few "irregulars"; Harley Baker drove down from PA, Bart's son, Heath, shot his first match at River Bend, Francis Becigneul drove down from MI, and our esteemed cook and bottle washer, Wilbur, put everyone on notice that he may be coming out of shooting retirement -- in other words, he shot with us today. Also, Brady's wife, Dianne, was there -- not shooting, just visiting with old friends.

Billy Stevens won LV100 with a .1702 (and had small group with a .099) and Gary Sullivan won HV100 with a .1962 (Danny Morgan had small group with a .104).

The weather was great and the food provided by Roger and Phyllis Avery, Jan and Francis Becigneul, Dan Honert, Charlie and Cheryl Hood, and likely others whom I missed (my apologies) was a real treat.

On Sunday we gained two additional shooters, including first-time benchrest shooter Leonard Pace, who we hope will join us for the monthly shoots at River Bend. Actually, we wish all of you would join us for the monthly shoots. :)

Terry Leonard won HV 200 with a .2126 (Billy Stevens had small group with a .149) and Bart Sauter won LV 200 with a .2854 (Jerry Sharrett had small group with a .304). Unofficial top five in the two-gun:

1. Bart .2371
2. Billy .2393
3. Gary .2441
4. Steve Lee .2442
5. Danny Morgan .2645

It was a good weekend; the weather was nice and the fellowship was good. We had shooters from AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, MI, MS, NC, PA, and TN.
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Anybody have the complete results? Not sure I'd like it if they were posted but I suppose it'll be OK about Wednesday either way. I took some photos of 3 results pages and they flopped in size....
"Hunter" sent me some stuff...


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Thanks everyone, Jim Andress, Bill G, the whole range crew.

Great food to spoil us with, featuring Honest Charlies famous BBQ., pulled pork and brisket!!
Nanner Puddin and other goodies.

The wind was sometimes a B**** though!!

Oh, in attendance was some honored guests, Francis and Jan all the way from Michiganders (something like that), AND, CCBW, Wilbur, showed up to start us all out with an opening target of 0.186"!!

I got an email from Tommy McKee in response to my email saying that I didn't shoot well:

"Danny Pritt said yoo was pineboard hawg !"

I can take that a number of ways but it's a little bit funny...perhaps just to me, but funny nonetheless. Danny Pritt is the most serious Benchrest shooter I've ever known. I remember that he woulda won the Super Shoot if he had just shot his last group rather than trying to win. The flip side of that is I woulda won the nationals if I had tried to win rather than just shoot my last group.

"It's that damn wind...I know it is" - Paul Wolfe
April '16 Match Report

We had nine shooters at the 100/200 yard UBR match at River Bend today; six in custom class, two in factory, and one in unlimited. The temperature was ~ 47° when we started shootin’ and ~ 57° when we finished -- it was VERY windy all day; those propane heaters from February would have drawn a crowd today.

The shooters included Ken Bridges and Curtis Caldwell, both of whom, I believe, were shooting their first benchrest match; thanks for coming to shoot with us. Also included were Tom Dulaney and Wayne Hunt, both of whom returned after long absences; it's good to see you back -- don't stay away so long next time. As before, some of the River Bend "regulars" were scared off by the weatherman.

Scott Dittman, shooting in the custom class, had the high score of the day (491).

Although Jim Andress didn't shoot today, he ran the match, giving us a chance to shoot our guns -- "Thanks," Jim.
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Jun '16 Match Report

The May match was cancelled to accommodate a club picnic; however, we got to shoot today. We had 12 shooters at the 100/200 yard UBR match at River Bend; seven in custom class, one in modified, and four in factory. The temperature was ~ 79° when we started shootin’ and about ~ 90° when we finished. All of you who missed today's match missed a nice day to shoot.

The shooters included long-absent Hal Barnes, George Griffith, Dan McEvoy, and Tom Suswal (it's good to see y'all back -- don't stay away so long next time), and new shooter Tan Long (thanks for shooting with us, and we look forward to you joining us again).

Bill Dittman, shooting in the custom class, had the high score of the day (507) -- and, I assume, took home the most money.

See for information on upcoming matches.
Jul '16 Match Report

We had twelve shooters at the 100/200 yard group, club match at River Bend today; ten in custom class and two in factory. The in-the-shade temperature was ~ 74° when we started shooting and about ~ 86° when we finished. All of you who missed today's match missed a nice day to shoot.

The shooters included: Jack Perry, a "newbie" to the club matches; and Dickie Land (from Phenix City, AL) and Curtis Caldwell, both of whom were shooting their second club match with us -- thanks to each of you for shooting with us and come back every chance you get.

Jim Andress paid money to the winner of each match. Five different shooters won at least one match; Dave Rabin and Tom Suswal each won three matches. Joe Bougard won the 100 yard agg with a .2146, Dave Rabin won the 200 yard agg with a .2750, and Dave won the grand agg with a .2624 -- beating Joe Bougard by .0012 in the grand. Dave took home the most money for having won the grand agg.

See for information on upcoming matches.
The Reason

The reason I sent Wilbur that note was,, once @ the Long Creek match north of Charlotte, one of the sheets they were using to give out the awards was in error.. Danny Pritt ( a good friend of mine) was awarded a pine board (1st place trophy in a yardage) can't remember the particulars , but in fact Wilbur (CCBW) had actually won.. Danny had already been presented w/the pine board, when Wilbur walked up and took the award from Danny's hands, and said that's my trophy ( don't know exact words) but the look on Danny's face was funny to me. The the explanation was given, and all was well... Note: I never heard Danny call Wilbur a "pineboard hawg".. I sent that note to Wilbur , knowing he would probably remember, and maybe get a chuckle from the note.
I apologize to Danny Pritt for falsely accusing him of saying something he did not say.. Danny has always been a friend of mine since the day I met him @ the Super Shoot , years ago.
Danny was shooting .222 in his first Super Shoot. He has done very well in following years.
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