Gene Bukys Father


Tomball Gun Club
I am sad to report that Genes Father has passed away Tues. Please keep Gene and His family in your prayers.

So sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours during this trying time.

Geary and Margaret Koglin
Grand Blanc, MI
Gene, very sorry to hear of your fathers passing. Diane and I both send our prayers, and love. Wayne and Diane Johnson
Sorry about the loss of your Father. You & your family are in my prayers. Russell m
Gene....Our condolences on the loss of your father. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you God's care and comfort always, but especially during this challenging time.

Rod & Audrey Brown
Thanks for all the kind words and prayers. They are much appricated. It's friends like you all that make these times easier

Gene Bukys