Gene Beggs

anyone heard from Gene Beggs lately? I usually hear from him every day or so. No word in 8-10 days.


Hi Jerry

I'm still alive and kickin' ! Thanks for checking on me, I'm doing fine. This sheltering in place is actually right up my alley. I've always had somewhat of a lazy streak and it gets worse the older I get. I still get out every day for a while if for nothing more than to go to the HEB food store. I was shocked the other day upon arrival at the front door. There was a uniformed guard directing traffic limiting the number of people allowed in the store, a nurse taking temperature with a remote device, dispensing hand sanitizer before allowing us to enter. Oh yes, there were decal footprints spaced at six feet to prevent those of us in line from getting too close to each other. At first, I was almost cursing mad about the silliness of it all but by the time I had waited in the long line, I had calmed down and was actually laughing at the absurdity of it all.

What the hell has happened to our country? Where does all this silly crap come from? I first encountered it as an airline crew member following the World Trade Center attack. Instead of taking action against the terrorists, airport security began taking it out on the uniformed crew members !! What a bunch of bull !! By the time my crew and I had been frisked, our bags prowled thru and fingernail files and small scissors confiscated half of us would just be furious ! As the weeks and months passed it got worse, eventually resulting in the creation of the TSA and we all have our airport security stories.
Oh well, I better cool it and stop ranting. It does no good anyway. I'm glad I'm a senior citizen. I grew up in a different world and time, so I guess it's understandable why I have a hard time accepting the way many younger people look at things.


Gene Beggs