funnel frustrations



I'm a relatively new reloader working my way up to better techniques and equipment.

Of all my gear, my funnels frustrate me the most...I started with an RCBS - too shallow, powder bounces out with larger loads. Then I got a Redding which has steeper sides, no bounce-out, but static cling makes some powder cling to sides.

I struggled all winter thinking that more humid weather would resolve the static cling, but it didn't.

Any solutions to my static cling, or suggestions of funnels that are made of something other than plastic?


Try wiping the inside of your funnel down with a Bounce or other dryer static eliminator cloth. Make sure you do the inside of the spout. If you use a metal (aluminun or other) funnel try the static sheet in it. If that eliminates the static your good to go, otherwise it will need to be bonded with a light copper wire to a known grounded source.

Satern powder funnels

Went thru the same frustrations as you did, tried several plastic funnels then discovered the Satern spun aluminum and brass funnels. They make them for virtually any caliber, including handgun and up to 50 that I have seen.

Midway ( also carries, and has different sizes on sale. Put "Satern" in the search and it will list them all. While pricey, you wont regret the purchase, and your power headaches will be gone. They are a precision fit to the cartridge mouth, and no static issues.
If your talking about the powder pan I use the gold aluminum RCBS pan. For heavy charges I just drop it into a large cartridge case and transfer to the pan slowly and place on the scale. Plastic funnels I wash in soapy dishwashing water and do not rinse but let air dry. RANDY
I will 2nd the Satern funnels. I had to borrow a funnel one day from a friend, and he ask me what caliber I was loading and wanted to bring me the right funnel, I thought "what are you talking about". He brought me the Satern funnel for my 270, and I was hooked. I would have NEVER thought I would spend that much money on 1 funnel..... I didn't, I know have 9 of them. 1 for every caliber I reload for. Get one, and you will understand.
Saw a guy once who stuck an inch or so of PVC pipe on top of his funnel to stop kernels splashing out. I've always wished that I could bother to do that myself, but never have got round to it.

I made a nice drop tube out of a brass fluid delivery tube from an old wet photocopier with a section of .357 case sweated on the end. It's a perfect fit for .30 calibre cases.
I've got a Lee red plastic that's okay now that I "balanced" it. The top lip for holding it was so far out of balance that it would lean at a 45 degree angle if you weren't careful. A belt sander fixed it for me. I'm not sure why a company would make a funnel that couldn't even stand up on a flat surface.
sinclair sells a pan made by lyman with a bulit in spout so you dont need a funnel. just pour straight into the case. it may need a weight added for some scales as it is very light. i glued a quarter to mine, so the scale can see it.
My Lyman or RCBS pan/funnel weighs 69.2 gr. Combo(funnel/scale pan) is the only way to go.

I use the RCBS elect scale w/ trickler straight into the funnel pan and then into the case. Did some 22 Hornets last week and the case seemed to want to slide thru the funnel opening??
Using a dryer sheet on the plastic funnel will get rid of the static. I have some Satern funnels and went back to the regular RCBS funnel. I like to swirl the powder charge into the case and the ridges in a Satern funnel won't let the powder swirl, it just rolls in from wherever. When I swirl the powder in vs. dumping it in, the powder is lower in the case which is supposedly because the kernels are aligned better. This is supposed to help accuracy, but I haven't tested it enough to know for sure.
If you can find one the old Herter's funnel is the best I have used. I have had it for close to 40 years. Just rub it with a "bounce" sheet once in a while and good to go. Lets you swirl the powder into the case. I think maybe that "green" funnel has about the same angle on the sides.

I agree that you cannot beat the Satern funnels. But if you don't want to put the expense into buying several Satern funnels the best thing to get is the Frankford Arsenal Powder Funnel Kit. It comes with different nozzles that allow the funnel to sit on top of your case. They really work great. Not as good as the Satern but next best thing.
Had a Satern, seemed like just the ticket. Used it a few times and sent it back. Notice the lip & gap where the brass tip meets the aluminum? Catches & holds powder from your pour doesn't it? I'm a novice reloader so don't know if that little amount of powder that doesn't make it into the case would have any effect on accuracy, but seems to me they (Satern) could have attached the tip by a better method and not left a gap. Or did I get a deffective one?

Do the Bounce thing to your Redding funnel to cut static cling. And it leaves your ammo smelling springtime fresh :D


I had the same problem with the long drop tubes on my thrower.
I just carry a can of the old Static Guard in my box and spray the outside with that.
Always worked for me.