Fun shoot at Denton

I might have to check it out.
It would be my first and I would like to see what it's all about.
100 yd only?

Are you just shooting 100 group and score? No 200? Trying to figure out what to bring. Not sure you guys want the 6 Ackley going off next to you. I'll bring something.


They are shooting 100 yard score in the morning, and 200 yard group in the afternoon.

I am just going to bring my 30PPC and shoot in at both.......jackie
Just To let you know. Both, the Score and the Group will be Shot @ 100 Yards. Not 100 for score and 200 for group. This will prevent the target boards from having to be changed.
I talked to Jon just to confirm what I understood per our conversation yesterday to make sure.

Sorry for any confusion. This will only be a 100 yard event. Hope to see you there!!!!

James Statham
can I get a recommendation on a hotel close? I will be arriving friday nite. and tiny- bring the 6 ackley so my bud won't feel out of place. he will start out shooting a .204 in score then switch to a bench gun for group and don't want to be the only hunting gun there!

did you schedule this at the club. I just got a email from Gary Runyon that there is a carbine shoot that morning too, and I think it may be on the same range. Check on it.
The carbine shoot will be on the new extended pistol range.
Thanks for looking out. Come by if you guys get a chance.
Moving backers

With no moving backer?? Yeh. Why not shoot back to back score matches??........jackie

Yea I hear ya Jackie.... But if someone wants to cheat, there only cheating themselves..! Not a real competitor.

Moving backers are a pain to set-up... Especially for a fun club shoot.
Every shoot I've been to in Denton, I have never felt anyone was cheating...
Now, some of the tiny .100's Dave has shot with his 30.............Hummmmm!

:) Daves a Damn good shooter!
Hope to see you guys Sat, back to WORK.....

I still say just shoot back to back score matches. If any body wants to shoot group, then come out to the Registered Matches when that moving backer is up and running.

I have been to club matches where "zero's" and little bitty "ones" were shot by shooters who never bothered to show up for the Registered Matches.

I plan on coming to Denton, I will gladly shoot the score match in the morning, but don't ask me to waste my time competing in a Group Match, especially at 100 yards, unless you have a moving backer.

Maybe I take Benchrest too seriously.........jackie
Jackie I'll stand behind your target and move the backer if you do the same for me.:D:D:D:D:eek:
moving backer

Although some may cheat without a moving backer It is probably rare. I go to club group matches to compete and test equipment, loads, the tolerance of my friends to insults concerning their vision, sexual orientation and species status. I hope that blind, transsexual, paramecium Jackie shows up. He has to fire 10 shot groups to make it fair to the rest of us who only shoot one or two. Tim
An apology

I have just received a threatening e-mail in response to my post in this thread. Here it is: " Dear Sir, This is in response to your post on centerfire forums Fun shoot at Denton. You compared Jackie Schmidt to a blind, transsexual paramecium. This is an insult to one celled animals everywhere. Paramecium can only wave their cilia in protest but we of the Blind, Transsexual Paramecium Society of America can do much more. If you do not retract your statement at once just wait until you drink your next glass of tap water and see what happens. Sincerely Wadsworth B. Uptight Phd. President, Blind Transsexual Paramecium Society Of America" Dear Professor Uptight, I humbly apologize to one celled animals everywhere, paramecium in particular and to the BTP Society of America for my unfortunate choice of words. I shall never again compare Jackie to a one celled animal or any other higher form of life. Humbly Yours, Tim Oltersdorf

He more or less had you in the animal kingdom. I believe may be mistaking paramecia with euglena. Keep your chlorophyll dry.