Front Rest


Dirty Harry

I'm new to benchrest and getting ready to enter my first match here in Phoenix. I have most of the necessary gear but still need a few more items. The front rest, as you know, is quite a pricey piece of equipment and getting a good one that will last is very important.

I have been looking at the Fire control rest by Caldwell. It seems a little inexpensive at $300 but it looks like a good rest. I especially like the single arm control of both elevation and azimuth. Has anyone got any experience with this rest?

Please recommend any other rests you guys think are the best. Even the $800 ones. OY!
Front rest...

this is one of those items that the rule is true, "Buy once, cry once." Not that you have to buy the most expensive one out there but go ahead and take the plunge and buy a quality unit. There are several that will serve you well, look at some match reports that list front rests and you will see a few trends. From the 2006 Nationals equipment list Farley, Hart, Bald Eagle, Sinclair, Loh, were all mentioned with the Farley leading the pack.
Since Phoenix will be your first match see if there isn't one you can borrow. If you let the need be known, I'm almost positive someone will have a good one you can borrow. Also, have some money in hand as it is likely you will find one in Phoenix that will fit your needs, or should I say wants.
Okay thanks. I have done some poking around and it doesn't look like the Caldwell is a good choice.

Fine, Farley and Fudd seem to be the benchers rest of choice. How do I get one? Googled both and got nada.
Or what about a shade tree joystick top mated with a decent base,I have used one/own one fitted to a Caldwell Rock BR base and it is as good as anything I have used(after thought,this may not mean that much),but I can assure you that the Shade Tree top is quality and wont break the bank.

Regards Chris
Cowan Rest

Excellent starting out rest is the Cowan rest made by the students of Joe Cowan at the Altoona Technical School. It Is very inexpensive (around $250 delivered to your door) and funds a very worthwhile program.

Joe can be reached at

As to the Shade Tree tops, Joel Kendrick has sold a bunch of them to his buddies in the 600/1000 yard game. I can't use a toggle since I have a bad flinch. The top of the line non-toggle is the Loh (JJ Industries on the main page of this forum).
cowans nice

but you cant' get one till next season maybe, I use a caldwell rock with a better bag and sinclair speed screw...screw is on order.
Dirty Harry,

I bought a Farley from Bruno's last November. I was expecting about a 4 - 6 mo. wait but I received it in two weeks. They keep a standing order with Farley. :)
this is one of those items that the rule is true, "Buy once, cry once." Not that you have to buy the most expensive one out there but go ahead and take the plunge and buy a quality unit. There are several that will serve you well, look at some match reports that list front rests and you will see a few trends. From the 2006 Nationals equipment list Farley, Hart, Bald Eagle, Sinclair, Loh, were all mentioned with the Farley leading the pack.

This is so true. Even if you buy a $800 rest, it's still peanuts compared to all the money you'll waste buying bullets, powder, primers, barrels and machine work trying to troubleshoot a cheap, faulty rest. Believe me. Buy a good rest with no slop or wiggle and live happily ever after.
This is so true. Even if you buy a $800 rest, it's still peanuts compared to all the money you'll waste buying bullets, powder, primers, barrels and machine work trying to troubleshoot a cheap, faulty rest. Believe me. Buy a good rest with no slop or wiggle and live happily ever after.

Thanks to all for the great responses. I know the feeling of buying cheap and paying for it later. I am definitely leaning towards the Farley coaxial II. I tried one briefly some months ago and I can still remember how smooth it performed. Lester Bruno has one on the shelf as we speak and I will probably be paying him a visit this afternoon. I live about 2 miles from his shop. That is proving to be a very costly advantage. :confused:

I live about 2 miles from his shop. That is proving to be a very costly advantage. :confused:


"Advantage" is an understatement! Now you spilled the beans! Think of the hundreds of guys in this sport that don't have someone of his caliber (no pun intended) for help that is close-by. You don't even need this forum with that kind of help! (well, you could still enjoy the friendships and posts, though!)
Another choice

Just because I didn't see it mentioned...

The SEB CoAxial rests are fast catching the Farley's. I've had both, no complaints on either, but am currently shooting off a SEB. Availability has been pretty good on them.

Rod B
Just because I didn't see it mentioned...

The SEB CoAxial rests are fast catching the Farley's. I've had both, no complaints on either, but am currently shooting off a SEB. Availability has been pretty good on them.

Rod B

Yes, I did look at that and it does appear to be a great rest. Even so, the Farley still seems to be the boss hog and I much prefer sending my hard earned greenbacks to OKY city, USA than to Jawa Timur, Indonesia. I didn't inquire as to shipping cost but it has to be quite expensive. Farleymfg has said they can have one on my doorstep in 10 days, top bag included. I may go with them as I will incur sales tax buying it locally.
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"Advantage" is an understatement! Now you spilled the beans! Think of the hundreds of guys in this sport that don't have someone of his caliber (no pun intended) for help that is close-by. You don't even need this forum with that kind of help! (well, you could still enjoy the friendships and posts, though!)

Indeed, Lester is top notch and he's helped me allot. Benchrest folks are all a bunch of great people and I am looking forward to forming some new friendships.