Fore end of stock

John B

New member
A bit of advice needed.
Should the fore end of a 3 inch stock be parrallel or have a slight taper.
Reason I'm asking is I have a stock which is slightly narrower right at the end then 2 inches down. If I nip the stock up with the stock 2inches beyond the front bag, when I slide it back level with the front bag I have some sideways movement. I've asked the stock maker and a well respected fellow shooter friend and have two different answers.
Just wondering what your thoughts are.

On my latest RF I put the complete rifle upside down in my milling machine vise and took a light cut on each side of the forend. My stock was also tapered towards the front. This works good on many RF's because of the straight cylinder bbl profile. On a CF you might could clamp onto the action.

Who knows if the bullet actually exits the bore dead inline with the outside of the bbl but I did what I could to remove a doubt from my brain. The rifle does have consistent tension on the forend now whereas before it loosened up as it moved rearward.
John ...

My Kelbly 3" wide BR FB stock's forearm, on my light varmint 6PPC, is from stem to stern, all the same width. :)

All I can say... It ain't parralllel.

Thanks for your input guys. I'll have to work out how best to fix this. Not sure if I need to follow the barrel OD as it's not in line with the bore anyway.
I'm thinking of clamping the stock up side down in the mill, indicating the centre line and then taking a cut down each side. Perhaps???

stock taper

I have a benchrest stock that is also tapered on the forend. It drove me so crazy I restocked the rifle. It was a bruno/mcmillan. Otherwise I liked the stock but could not live with the taper. Pushing the stock up after a shot it would "grab" in the front bag. I had to use a stop to avoid this "grab". Mine is fiberglass with molded in color. The only way to fix the taper would be to mill them parallel and then paint. I wasn't willing to go to the trouble. Easier to change the stock.

I can't say that accuracy suffered for sure...but it messed with my head. If it bothers you....just fix it or restock it. You will never trust your combination if you are here asking the question.
