As usual at this time of year, there are several threads about new games and new categories to attract more shooters to our benchrest sport. Some of the ideas and comments have been unusually well presented,but we remain rather fragmented as far as reaching any form of concensus Another way of getting some more participation, without developing a separate classification(eg "factory" rifle) and the attendant problems, might be to "fish in the right waters" for new shooters. As has been pointed out by many others, junior and young family shooters either find new interests or cannot reconcile family priorities in order to continue our sport. Where should we look then? Frankly, we should take a good look at focusing on older, financially secure, folks who have some background with weapons - retired police officers, military retired of all services, etc. Where to find them - The local VFW, American Legion and VA ; Then there are others, with perhaps little exposure to shooting, who are frankly lonely, bored or tired oftheir daily routine. Where to find them? Try other civic organizations, Elks , Civitan etc. You probably either belong to one or know a shooter who does. These are a few places to "fish", but there are many others - church, bowling league etc. but you have to ASK around a bit (keep your line in the water). At your gun club, troll the skeet or trap range, centerfire and "silly wet" shooters - the list goes on. After having been a match director for several years and having new shooters c ome and go, I am convinced that if each of us makes a conscious effort to attract a new shooter to the game at every chance we can grow the sport. And, it can be done without radical change to what we have. Happy New Year and "Every shooter recruit a new shooter" Bob