First UBR Build "Modified Class"


New member
I am very interested in the Ultimate Benchrest/UBR Modified class; I will either use a Savage target action or a trued Remington 700 action for the build. I will be attending a match as spectator in few weeks (Boyle Co/Junction City KY). I am leaning towards the 222 Rem, because of the short range (100 & 200 yards) - but, I would be interested in recommendation in regards to cartridge, barrel and scope. Any and all information is welcomed.
I am very interested in the Ultimate Benchrest/UBR Modified class; I will either use a Savage target action or a trued Remington 700 action for the build. I will be attending a match as spectator in few weeks (Boyle Co/Junction City KY). I am leaning towards the 222 Rem, because of the short range (100 & 200 yards) - but, I would be interested in recommendation in regards to cartridge, barrel and scope. Any and all information is welcomed.

why 222 over 22BR?
I am very interested in the Ultimate Benchrest/UBR Modified class; I will either use a Savage target action or a trued Remington 700 action for the build. I will be attending a match as spectator in few weeks (Boyle Co/Junction City KY). I am leaning towards the 222 Rem, because of the short range (100 & 200 yards) - but, I would be interested in recommendation in regards to cartridge, barrel and scope. Any and all information is welcomed.

Welcome to the forum. Lots of knowledgeable, good people here that are happy to be of help.
To your question...for starters, you'll be money ahead to shop for a good used Modified rifle for sale and you will likely have the huge benefit of seeing the match reports that prove it a winning rifle...or not. The value of that can't be overstated.

Second, while the triple deuce is very good, I'd lean toward a 6BR or 6PPC over it. The 222 has its tongue wagging at 200 and beyond and gets blown around pretty bad.

If you go the build your own route, I'd go the 700 due to better triggers, more and better stock options and better resale, which is not a strong suit for any modified factory actioned rifle, to be honest. That's what makes the used rifle route the best approach, IMHO. You can find them in the $800-$1200 range pretty frequently.

As for the scope, buy the best you can afford but a Weaver t36 is a very good budget scope. From there, the NF BR is a very good and solid scope if weight allows...They are quite heavy at around 34 ounces. The Leupold 40x and 45x comp scopes are decent and March is excellent.

I plan to be at that match and look forward to meeting you. There'll be a lot of fine people there that will be eager to help you get into the game. On that note, I have an XP100 in 6BR that I might part with. It's a competitive rifle and fresh barrel. We can talk about it more then or pm me your contact number and I'll call later. It's a great game and there are lots of matches a short drive away, in this area.

Last but not least, don't just spectate. Bring a gun and at least 100 rounds of ammo...150 would be better. You'll learn more in a day of shooting than a year of watching and talking about it. --Mike Ezell
Mike, thanks for the insight on building vs buying, and also on the cartridge, action and scope selections - this is the kind of information/recommendation I looking for - I hope meet you in Junction City. thanks -Gerald
OG, Mike has given you some pretty decent advice and.......

Welcome to the forum. Lots of knowledgeable, good people here that are happy to be of help.
To your question...for starters, you'll be money ahead to shop for a good used Modified rifle for sale and you will likely have the huge benefit of seeing the match reports that prove it a winning rifle...or not. The value of that can't be overstated.

Second, while the triple deuce is very good, I'd lean toward a 6BR or 6PPC over it. The 222 has its tongue wagging at 200 and beyond and gets blown around pretty bad.

If you go the build your own route, I'd go the 700 due to better triggers, more and better stock options and better resale, which is not a strong suit for any modified factory actioned rifle, to be honest. That's what makes the used rifle route the best approach, IMHO. You can find them in the $800-$1200 range pretty frequently.

As for the scope, buy the best you can afford but a Weaver t36 is a very good budget scope. From there, the NF BR is a very good and solid scope if weight allows...They are quite heavy at around 34 ounces. The Leupold 40x and 45x comp scopes are decent and March is excellent.

I plan to be at that match and look forward to meeting you. There'll be a lot of fine people there that will be eager to help you get into the game. On that note, I have an XP100 in 6BR that I might part with. It's a competitive rifle and fresh barrel. We can talk about it more then or pm me your contact number and I'll call later. It's a great game and there are lots of matches a short drive away, in this area.

Last but not least, don't just spectate. Bring a gun and at least 100 rounds of ammo...150 would be better. You'll learn more in a day of shooting than a year of watching and talking about it. --Mike Ezell

One item that I feel is important as I've seen quite a few make the mistake of buying a rifle that is already too heavy, or buying a scope that puts them way overweight. Everything added or a longer barrel can put it over weight even further. I believe that 13.5# is the upper limit for "Modified" class. Depending upon your patience level, you might want to wait to buy a used custom actioned rifle. They can be had for very good prices IF you know what you're looking at. Those fellows are all pretty good and I bet ya a soda that someone at that match will have something to get you started out. Good luck and I bet you really enjoy UBR. JME. WD
Mike gave you some very good advice. Having competed with a 222 I can tell you it is very competitive at 100, but just doesn't have the horsepower to do much at 200. IME- Modified Class is the lowest cost class for UBR. It relatively easy to find a Remington 700, 722 or XP for a very reasonable cost. For the past few years I've competed with a sleeved Remington 722 that I bought for less than $500. I did replace the barrel and made it into a 6 Beggs. Have won a lot of fake wood with it and didn't break the bank. I currently know where there is a sleeved 722 and an older Remington 700 that can be had for a very reasonable cost. They are out there you just have to look. The 6PPC is probably the best choice, but a 220 Beggs is easy to tune and very comfortable to shoot. You could check the results for their track record. Hope to meet you at Boyle County.

Mike, thanks for the insight on building vs buying, and also on the cartridge, action and scope selections - this is the kind of information/recommendation I looking for - I hope meet you in Junction City. thanks -Gerald
Mikes a good guy! Look me up as i'll be there too, glad to help any way we can. On my gun while cleaning it I have a "cover" that says shooter13 so I'm easy to spot!!