First shot accuracy....

Sometimes it will pay to gamble a bit but those that win consistently won't gamble at all. If the wind is very mild when you shoot that fouler shot you can go straight to the record and shoot 'em all. Sometimes you shoot a good one and sometimes you don't. If you're losing by quite a bit, it doesn't matter what you do as long as it's different!!!!!!!
I'm generally a middle of the pack guy in IBS score, and I'm usually a contender in our 200 meter egg shoots. I am far from being an expert, but I believe in taking 3 sighter shots before going to record if I can, whether I have cleaned or not. I find this gives me a lot of confidence. I know that some good shooters only take one or two sighters in Score before going to record, but I think in our egg shoots, where we have only one flag up at the eggs where it's of little use, scrimping on sighters generally burns you. I'd rather burn some ammo and do well than scrimp on it and kick myself.
Group vs Score (First shot accuracy)

In group shooting,the first shot is free. doesn't matter where it hits on the record target. The challenge is to put the next four in the same spot. Not easy to do, even for a very skilled shooter.

In Score shooting, miss the first 10 ring, and you're just about guaranteed not to be in contention for a win at that yardage.

My observations of course.

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