Firing solution tools, range questions, etc.

Both floors (upper, lower) are done. We are presently pondering the stairs and discussing other things to do to make sure there is no movement on the second floor. At that point the extra wood gets cut off the top and the final railing goes in on both floors (though it would be hard to fall off the first floor and get hurt). Also, build the benches, put down astroturf for the prone half, make some corn cob filled burlap bags, etc.




I have 2 outdoor ranges with shooting platforms like yours.
2 suggestions
1.) Plywood flooring on our first shooting platform become soft and flexes some with walking on and at bench sites---not a good thing.
Now we use all 2X12 treated lumber much stiffer for the floor--it also lets water through with no puddling.
2.) Dont make your roof any taller than needed and anchor well--the wind is not your friend.
3.) For sand bags use shot bags from the trap shooters and fill with sand or you favorite material--we seal them up with plastic ties.
4.) All our support structures are anchored with 4-6" X1/2" lag bolts and washer into the poles.

I'm not trying to criticize!
Just telling you my mistakes!
Looks like your doing a great job and have a nice range.
I have 2 outdoor ranges with shooting platforms like yours.
2 suggestions
1.) Plywood flooring on our first shooting platform become soft and flexes some with walking on and at bench sites---not a good thing.
Now we use all 2X12 treated lumber much stiffer for the floor--it also lets water through with no puddling.
2.) Dont make your roof any taller than needed and anchor well--the wind is not your friend.
3.) For sand bags use shot bags from the trap shooters and fill with sand or you favorite material--we seal them up with plastic ties.
4.) All our support structures are anchored with 4-6" X1/2" lag bolts and washer into the poles.

I'm not trying to criticize!
Just telling you my mistakes!
Looks like your doing a great job and have a nice range.

Thanks CL.

1) I did a floor below with cross beams, etc. But I think it shouldn't be too hard to rip up the plywood. I will let it sit that way until spring and then do the wood change. I like your idea. Not sure why I didn't consider that when I started the flooring. ;-( Also on the floor I am going to put outdoor carpet. Kind of a simulated lawn for doing prone.
2) I did the roof shorter than I am. I am 6'6" and I think the roof is 6'. My big worry was being able to see all the specific locations (100, 200, 300, 400, 500).
3) Shot bags like the cloth bags that 5 lbs. of shot comes in for reloading? I was thinking of enormous burlap bags and filling them with play sand from Toys-R-Us. Like the US Engineers do when a flood is about to happen.
4) I first put in the poles and after that the cross beams are anchored with really heavy duty galvanized steel lag bolts. You can see that from the early photos but now it's all covered up.

Now I am pondering what to do about the railings (for safety). I think I will do that all in 2x4. I was going to start that this weekend but it's supposed to rain for the next 5 days. ;-(
Looks like a nice set up. Im sure you have checked that nothing is behind the 1000 yard berm your building.
As far as wood to shoot of off. No freakin way!!!!!! If real accuracy is the goal, there is no substitute for concrete....................... I also have a home range. I use mine at least 3 times a week. I love it!! good luck with the project!!! Lee

sorry for the curb pic. Not sure how I did that??? Dam nice work though, wouldn't you say???? LOL!!
Like I said above you will love having your own place to shoot. I have 200 yards to my burm and 300 to the tree line behind the berm and to the right. Next year or every other year I have corn on each side. Kinda like shooting in a tunnel!! fun stuff!! Lee
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I can't believe they let you do broomed-over, no reshine! Here in Portland it takes 5 different sizes/patterns of edger and groover to do a section of city walk....
@ CLP: To prevent the pressure treated plywood from getting destroyed, can I paint it with outdoor cold weather latex paint and then on top of that put an outdoor astroturf carpet? Will that fix my mistake of not using decking for the floor?

@ Skeet. I originally pondered concrete for the range but I found it to be cost prohibitive. Also, unlike your range where you are fairly sheltered from the elements; I also wanted to use this as a fully outdoor building so that I can put hunting tents on the second floor with good vision in 3 directions and I wanted to put my telescope up there in the summer.
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You will really enjoy your place.
We are gearing up for another expansion of your machine shop, so I will have to rebuild everything again . Not looking forward to the work, but the extra room will be huge. the actual machine shop will be twice the size, as will the shoot room.

for some reason, I have been put in charge of all the new replacement sidewalk approach work here in town. Lots of regulations on these little bugers!! The broom finish isn't one, thankfully. I kinda enjoy doing them really. everyone is a different situation, and I find it a decent challenge.
I especially like watching the engineers come inspect them after they are installed. LOL!! Sometimes when we can catch them with there pants down, we pull the batteries out of there percentage levels. LOL!! Lee
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Range is done (except for some railings on the 2nd floor). Targets poles are in, and I was able to get about 10 shots in tonight before the sun went down. I sure hope it's nice weather tomorrow (last day of my vacation). I changed around my scopes. XHR get a Leupold MR/T, 26" PSS gets a Springfield Armory Gen 3, and 20" PSS gets a Pentax Lightseeker 30 mildot with Kenton TTC's. And the XHR has a Timney 510, since Remington recalled all of their triggers.

First floor.



From the second floor - really nice view of things.