Fireing pin protrusion


New member
Just got back from my annual ground squirrel shoot and had one of my rifles consistently misfire. Right before I left I installed a new fireing pin assembly from Greg Tannell and did not have a chance to shoot it. Looks like a shallow fireing pin strike. How far out shopuld the fireing pin be and if it does not stick out enough should I face off the stop on the fireing pin or drill the hole in the bolt a bit deeper? Model 700 action and bolt. 223 caliber.


If you true the bolt face you'll change headspace. If you have a misfire and look at the strike and you think it isn't deep, it isn't. First you need to remove the firing pin assembly, inspect everything and clean inside the bolt body. Black majic marker the taper and stop of the pin and re-install, now measure protrusion, .045"-.050" is good. I am not familiar with the Gre-Tan pin and if there is any issues with them but the marker will tell you what it is hitting on. Make sure the cocking piece isn't hitting the bolt body.

If it is simply too short, I'd remove some off the pin stop, but I doubt the Gre-Tan pin is faulty.
I have always understood the protrusion to be .055"-.065". Am I wrong on this?
If you still have your original firing pin assembly, reinstall it and your troubles will go away unless something else has been modified contrary to Remington specifications.

There is no meaningful advantage in deviating from the original Remington specification of spring tension, firing pin mass, firing pin striking travel or protrusion.

Greg Walley
Kelbly’s Inc.
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