Feedback from the tunnel 08-21-18


,,,a little carried away when I dissed wiping fired case necks clean before sizing. :eek: Good point Richard. I must remember that unlike me, not everyone has abandoned all thought of keeping things neat, clean and orderly.

Okay, you can wipe your fired case necks one swipe before lubing and sizing but not after. How's that?


Gene Beggs[/QUOTE

Gene, you shouldn't be getting carried away on the computer like this... you were suppose to be out at the range this weekend shooting a few matches with me! At least standing behind me with a stick ready to whack me if you see me not tweaking the tuner just right! ;-)
The Lapua 6mm Russian NT (aka the 6 Beggs NT)

Gene, if they gave awards for "ugliest" brass, I'd probably win at most matches.

I agree with most of what you said. I do have one question though. Do you see the same neck thickness consistency after expanding the brass up to 6mm?

I'm a believer in no turn chambers but have long lived by a rule a thumb, being that if I neck up or down, I turn necks.

Mike, I'll have some test results for you soon. I just finished chambering a new Krieger 13.5 twist barrel in the no-turn 6mm Beggs cartridge .274 neck. Loaded round diameter is .271.


Gene Beggs
Mike, I'll have some test results for you soon. I just finished chambering a new Krieger 13.5 twist barrel in the no-turn 6mm Beggs cartridge .274 neck. Loaded round diameter is .271.


Gene Beggs

Gene, seems I remember a few years back, "Slack Grabber"?? was winning with a 0.004"oversize.

Seems too, now, it takes about 0.001" or less to get a .14 agg.

Gene, my project this winter is to try Norma cases in a .269 neck chamber. The loaded round has about .0035 overall clearance.

I bought 100 Norma 6PPC cases, and went through most with a ball mic. All are within .0005 of wall thickness on the necks.
I wrote entirely wrong on all accounts. The cases grew too long rather than too thick.

Thanks Gene!

I think you will find that it will be no problem. With my .270 nk it works just fine. Case life will be the determining factor, and from what I am hearing as long as you don't try to shoot 30+ grs they will last long enough.

Sounds good Jackie

Gene, my project this winter is to try Norma cases in a .269 neck chamber. The loaded round has about .0035 overall clearance.

I bought 100 Norma 6PPC cases, and went through most with a ball mic. All are within .0005 of wall thickness on the necks.

Jackie, .0035 difference between the loaded round and neck diameter should be perfect. Glad to hear you are giving the Norma brass a try. .0005 run out is terrific quality in any case. Please keep us informed of your results.


Gene Beggs

Gene, seems I remember a few years back, "Slack Grabber"?? was winning with a 0.004"oversize.

Seems too, now, it takes about 0.001" or less to get a .14 agg.


Jerry, I'm not the brightest bulb in the string but I don't understand.:confused:

"Slack Grabber? :confused: After thinking about it for a couple of days, I think I know who you mean but,

yo no comprendo on the "Seems too, now it takes about .001 or less to get a .14 agg." huh? :confused:

Gene Beggs, the other Gene B, the one that was never world champion. :p
Jerry, I'm not the brightest bulb in the string but I don't understand.:confused:

"Slack Grabber? :confused: After thinking about it for a couple of days, I think I know who you mean but,

yo no comprendo on the "Seems too, now it takes about .001 or less to get a .14 agg." huh? :confused:

Gene Beggs, the other Gene B, the one that was never world champion. :p

Slack grabber, Pat Hurley. The PA BR shooter. His email address is "slackgrab@......" Slack grabber is a term used by many deep sea fishermen. Pat did a lot of blue water fishing.

Show me a big winner or HOF shooter using more than -.002" total neck clearance....But Hurley won a big shoot some years ago with 0.004", "Loose to win" someone said at the time.

Then there was the time you and I were walking off the line at Kelblys and you were COMPLIMETING my two groups...both on the same target. Remember?

Okay Now I Understand

Slack grabber, Pat Hurley. The PA BR shooter. His email address is "slackgrab@......" Slack grabber is a term used by many deep sea fishermen. Pat did a lot of blue water fishing.

Show me a big winner or HOF shooter using more than -.002" total neck clearance....But Hurley won a big shoot some years ago with 0.004", "Loose to win" someone said at the time.

Then there was the time you and I were walking off the line at Kelblys and you were COMPLIMETING my two groups...both on the same target. Remember?


Mornin' Jerry! Yes, of course, now I remember. Now it all makes sense. Haven't seen Pat Hurley for a while but I'm sure he will always be around. He's one of the true blue lifers in this game.

"Show me a big winner or HOF shooter using more than .002 neck clearance" you say? Gary O'Cock! Yep, give him a call. I understand that's what he uses in his record holding Jay Young rail gun. :D In this regard, Jack Neary has a saying about it. His motto is, "Go thin to win."

Yep, I remember shooting with you that time at the Super Shoot. You were on the bench to my left and Bart Sauter to my right. Good memories, good times!


Gene Beggs
Gene just wanted to say Thanks this is very good information and I enjoy reading!

Fred Martin

Thank you Fred. I'm glad there are those who enjoy reading about my exploits in extreme rifle accuracy. I like to share what I learn with others.

Much of what I write about is of interest only to gunsmiths and those hobbyists who have the equipment and knowledge to do their own machine work.

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement.


Gene Beggs
At least standing behind me with a stick ready to whack me if you see me not tweaking the tuner just right. Gene, you shouldn't be getting carried away on the computer like this... you were suppose to be out at the range this weekend shooting a few matches with me.
Let's get back to that neck cleaning for a moment. Also, for the moment, we'll say that clean necks don't shoot any better...or worse. How much time does it take to clean the necks vs what a sizing bushing costs...and how do you know you've got the ideal bushing anyway? :)

it's not the guys running with neck bushings I'm worried about. My question would be how much does it cost to replace a die that you had made just for your chamber that doesn't use a neck bushing.
